Indignant Vilnius resident: I will have no more business with this law firm


Marija from Vilnius (her first and last names are known to the editorial board) got into such a situation this week. Although he received an invitation to collect the package from the post office as soon as possible, he was unable to do so physically due to Lietuvos Paštas employees.

Whose time is more expensive

“I have already forgotten how unpleasant it is to deal with Lietuvos Paštas, but when it seems that post offices should be a contactless way to collect goods, Lietuvos Paštas still arranges contact in such a way that you do not collect the goods,” the woman the story begins.

On the morning of a business day, you receive a message stating that the ordered item has been delivered and urging that it be picked up as soon as possible.

“I really need the merchandise, but I’m working, I’m rushing to pick it up before work, and there – a postman with a cart full of merchandise and a person already waiting in line. They say you can pick it up, okay, I’m right. stand up, I say to the man in front: please pick it up, you’re waiting before.

He tells me no, that I will miss you, that he might see that I almost ran to the post office. I’m going to pick it up, the postman tells me: “Wait, I’m online!”. I say as if I heard that I can withdraw it, it says, I will finish immediately and leave the merchandise. I tell her, the works are not waiting, she says that the city is not working yet ”, María recalled the conversation.

According to her, then a man intervened, who was also waiting for the postman to return, and assured that there were already significant traffic jams in some parts of the city.

“Orally, I ask how long should I wait,” he says, “maybe another 10 minutes.” I said I couldn’t wait that long to take a picture of this absurd on the road. The action took place around 8:40 pm Kedrų st., Vilnius.

I have never experienced this with other postmen in my life, the couriers always let me pick up the merchandise because they really take the time to distribute everything. It is clear that the Lietuvos Paštas address demands that the postman wrap the packages at the post office as soon as possible, but for the love of God, well, don’t torture the customers. If I can, I will have nothing to do with this law firm, ”said the Vilnius resident.

Justify large shipments

Ugnė Bartašiūtė, Head of the Communication Department of Lietuvos Paštas, regretted the situation in which customers found themselves.

“Currently, the quantities of packages are unusually large; their quantities are equal to those of the holiday period, when November-December is the largest shipment. In this situation, we take all possible measures to reach only the recipients of the shipment as soon as possible. possible.

One of these measures is that, if possible, we direct postal shipments to ATMs, from where customers can pick up the item at any time that suits them ”, commented the company’s representative.

According to her, both postal workers and couriers routinely fill up post offices when there are no customers or, if customers appear in the process, they leave them.

“We regret the inconvenience to customers in this case. We will definitely pay attention to this situation so that it does not happen again,” he promised.

The ministry asked for clarification

Due to problems in the operation of Lietuvos Paštas, delays in the delivery of letters and packages, the Ministry of Transport and Communications discussed the situation with the CEO of the company, Asta Sungailiene, this week.

According to a press release from the ministry, the head of the company outlined an action plan developed by the company to address these issues. The company’s progress in resolving the situation is scheduled to be discussed in the second week of April, at the next meeting between the Ministry and the Postmaster.

“It is important for the Ministry of Transport and Communications, as a shareholder of this company, that the company’s clients are satisfied and that the reform processes underway are properly managed. We want to see how the problems and problems of socially sensitive customers will be solved, and clear answers and solutions must be provided to customers, ”said Agnė Vaiciukevičiūtė, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications.

At the meeting, the head of the company presented measures on how the problem will be solved. To manage the situation, the Lietuvos Paštas management team has been strengthened: managers and experts in various fields are constantly working, even on weekends.

To solve customer problems, the number of employees in the contact center was increased, it is also open on public holidays, and a short call number (1842) was introduced. In major cities and municipal centers, post offices also serve customers on holidays and weekends.

Currently, the most urgent task is to distribute the shipments received from abroad accumulated in the Vilnius Logistics Center. They are also distributed manually, an additional shift of employees is formed. The accumulated shipments are expected to be distributed in mid-April.

According to the director of the company, Lietuvos Paštas recently faced a multi-fold increase in the number of packages, which has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic with the strong activation of e-commerce. International logistics problems caused by the pandemic cause a longer journey for import shipments.

Modernizing letter and parcel distribution reportedly became a major challenge for the company, coinciding with the increase in parcel traffic on March 1. the company has fully transitioned to automated and centralized distribution. The devices launched made it possible to cater for increased package traffic, but due to unforeseen challenges, some packages and letters traveled to customers longer than usual.
