Indian strain of coronavirus is cause for concern


The United Nations Medical Agency has indicated that variant B.1.617 of the pandemic coronavirus, first discovered in India last October, is likely to be more easily transmitted and possibly bypass vaccine-induced immune protection.

“Some of the available information suggests that B.1.617 is more contagious,” Maria van Kerkhove, who led the WHO response to the COVID-19 outbreak, told reporters. According to her, the results of the first studies also show that the vaccines currently in use provide less protection against this strain of coronavirus.

“So we classify this option as a global concern,” the official said, adding that more information will be provided in the WHO weekly report on epidemiological threats scheduled for Tuesday.

India, which suffers from one of the world’s largest COVID-19 outbreaks, reported about 370,000 confirmed on Monday. new cases of contagion and more than 3.7 thousand. death of the infected.
