Incredibly happy Lithuanians: “This victory could mean entry to the European Championship” | sports


“It was as good as in Luxembourg,” Mindaugas Andriuška told Aiden Malašinskas before the press conference.

“No, it was harder here,” the Lithuanian national team leader replied to the coach.

It was a special match for A.Malašinskas, who celebrated his 35th anniversary on Thursday.

However, not because he beat Andrius Stelmokas (406 goals), who had played the most effective goal for the Lithuanian team in the second minute of the match.

A.Malašinskas, who played 91 games for the national team, burned because he knew that this time the national team could do a lot.

After beating Iceland, our country’s team climbed to third place in the group, and 2 gold points against the group leader and a regular participant in the European and world championships can open the door for Lithuania to the continental championship, where it played for the last time in 1998.

The 2022 European Championship will feature teams with 1-2 places in eight qualifying groups, as well as the top four teams in third place.

“The most important goal has not yet been achieved, because we will still have to fight in Portugal on Sunday,” said A. Malasinskas a match before the end of the selection in the 4th group. – But we have already reached the minimum objective.

It doesn’t take many words. Those who have seen it realize how much effort it has given, how much it has cost us. That made us stronger. It doesn’t matter that Icelanders are the favorites. We wanted to earn more. Tactical games, combinations: today I saw more than one very strong fight, a great men’s start and a great team fist that was crushed until the end of the match ”.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania - Iceland

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania – Iceland

Tired, overwhelmed, with some feet pulling on the feet, the Lithuanian handball players danced to the square to enjoy one of the biggest victories in team history.

“It is no less important than before the Norwegians,” A. Malasinskas recalled his victory several years ago. – But the meaning of this match is different – after this victory we can be in the Eurocup. Also, we won against the elite team.

It is a pride for us. Maybe it will also get Lithuania interested in the manual. “

Representing the national team for many years, A.Malašinskas quietly approached the historical number of goals.

He considered that the Bosnians had 14 more goals during the match, but this time the all-time mark was surpassed. He became a kind of handball player Artūras Karnišovas or Tomas Danilevičius – these men have scored the most points and the most goals on basketball and soccer teams, respectively.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Aidenas Malasinskas

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Aidenas Malasinskas

“Aidenas Malašinskas has become the most productive player of all time,” shouted match informant Tautvydas Kubilius at the start of the match.

A.Malasinskas attacked with such fervor that Iceland’s geysers look like a crane slowly flowing from a crane in front of a long-haired Lithuanian volcano.

“Before the game, I did not feel pressure, but encouragement. But the goals are not important, the victory is important. It is important that there is concentration, we did not panic, we did not feel pressure – said A. Malasinskas. – Of course, the responsibility was great. The defeat could have ended everything. But, as I said in an interview, our future may change on Sunday. “

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania - Iceland

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania – Iceland

On Sunday, after the last qualifying match in all groups, all teams entering the European Championship must be announced. There are still many mathematical variants, although on Thursday night the results of other matches fell favorably for the Lithuanians.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We have been counting since the last selection. But we knew that we could increase our chances in this match and find out in Portugal during the match if we had reached the European championships,” said A. Malasinskas.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania - Iceland

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania – Iceland

Meanwhile, the national team coach, M.Andriuška, suggested to be patient.

“Let’s not count the chickens yet,” he said. “We are going to Portugal not to count, but to play.”

He said that if Portugal’s men play so hot again on Sunday, everything will be fine: “This time before the game, we were looking for motivation after the unfortunate Israel match. The men leaned in today. Whether Icelandic or Portuguese, desire is powerless. It was the biggest wish we’ve ever shown. But you also need to prepare for Sunday’s game. “

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania - Iceland

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania – Iceland

M. Andriuška, who took over the Artūras Juškėnas team a couple of years ago, said that on Thursday he managed to find the optimal lineup for the defense.

“And in the attack we have Aiden, who can start others with individual actions,” said the coach of the national team. – Aiden is important, but you don’t just need him. When it is missing, Jonas (Truchanovičius) or Gerdas (Babarskas) or Dumčius, everything is different. And when we all have it, the Aiden factor is different. “

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania - Iceland

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania – Iceland

On Thursday, the Lithuanian team beat the Icelanders from the first minutes of the match.

While A.Malašinskas and Jonas Truchanovičius (6 goals per game) showered with goals, the defense with goalkeeper Giedrius Morkūnas held firm as a rock.

The Icelanders, who won Olympic silver in Beijing in 2008, are now younger and less capable, but they were motivated and had Aron Palmarsson at the top of the attack: the Barça club’s handball player scored 9 goals.

“I heard the Icelanders say before the game that they were ready to secure first place in the group here. But our goalkeeper and our defense held up fantastically, “emphasized M. Andriuška.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania - Iceland

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Manual: Lithuania – Iceland

According to the coach, as during the qualifying tournament in Luxembourg last January, when the Lithuanians’ attempts to enter the world championship were finally stopped by the pandemic, the men gave up again. He drowned.

And when you give up shower, dreams come true. Sooner or later.
