Increased sweating is a sign of change in the body: how to reduce it naturally?


“Older women often go to the pharmacy to see if they sweat. We not only help them choose deodorants, but we also recommend that they visit a doctor, since sweating can also be a sign of the onset of menopause.

We notice that middle-aged patients seeking natural remedies for this problem sweat due to stress at work, extreme fatigue, use of antibiotics or a weakened immune system. ”Kristina Jančiukienė, Gintarinės vaistinė pharmacist, shared her work experience at Press release.

Kristina Jančiukienė

Kristina Jančiukienė

© Photo of the organization

When can sweating be a sign of illness?

Sweating is an important function of the body and its abundance depends on the number of sweat glands. Although women have more of them, men’s glands are much more active. Certain factors (heredity, food, medications, medical conditions) can also affect the amount of sweating. Sometimes, the listed factors can cause excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), which bothers about 3 percent. world population.

“Increased sweating is divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological is called sweating during hard physical work, on a hot day, drinking hot drinks; This removes heat from the body and does not overheat the body. Teenagers whose endocrine system is not yet fully developed or women during menopause may be more likely to sweat.

Sweating all over the body can be caused by medications such as antihypertensives or antidepressants. The causes of pathological sweating are several: tuberculosis, thyroid disease, diabetes, anemia. Sometimes excessive sweating can be a symptom of lung, blood or other oncological diseases, ”says K. Jančiukienė.

Increased sweating is a sign of change in the body: how to reduce it naturally?

He adds that he sweats more profusely when the immune system is weakened or after treatment with antibiotics. Recurring hot flashes or sweating can be signs of a hormonal disorder or menopause. The skin with constant and profuse sweating loses its protective lipid layer, which makes it susceptible to infections. Therefore, if you sweat too much, consult a doctor.

“Normal sweating is imperceptible, and the smell of a healthy person sweating is almost imperceptible. At rest, a person sweats between 500 and 600 ml of sweat per day. However, a person who works hard or is exposed to high ambient temperatures can sweat up to 2,500 ml of sweat per day. The evaporation of sweat cools the surface of the body and helps regulate its temperature. At the same time, the harmful substances formed are eliminated from the body, which facilitates the work of the kidneys, ”says K. Jančiukienė.

How to choose a healthy deodorant?

According to the pharmacist, it is very important that the deodorant contains the least amount of preservatives possible, so it is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life, because the longer it is, the more preservatives the product contains. The shape of the bottle also gives you this: the tighter the bottle is, the less preservatives it contains. As a result, ball deodorant is inferior to spray because air or bacteria are unlikely to get into the latter.



“If you want to buy a harmless deodorant, you have to forget about the famous and most publicized brands. It is better to go to a pharmacy or organic store, where you can check its composition and go to a specialized consultation “, he advises.

According to K. Jančiukienė, deodorants without artificial fragrances, colorants and preservatives, without aluminum salts, parabens and other substances harmful to health will ensure gentle care and will not irritate the skin.

“The harmful synthetic substances used in the production of deodorants and antiperspirants are triclosan, most of which are already known parabens, stearin – propylene glycol, talc and many others. The deodorants that contain these substances are more harmful than useful” , Explain.

According to the pharmacist, people often have no idea what the difference is between a deodorant and an antiperspirant. The main difference between these measures is that deodorants kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, while antiperspirants stop sweating by clogging the pores of the skin and preventing sweat from escaping. However, the specialist advises not to lose vigilance and when buying deodorants, because these, like antiperspirants, can be rich in harmful substances.

“The function of antiperspirants is to block the sweat glands, kill bacteria and thus stop sweating, which is very harmful because it prevents the elimination of toxins from the body, which begin to accumulate and poison the body. The deodorant works for 3-4 hours and the antiperspirant can last up to 24 hours. and longer, which makes the latter more attractive. However, stopping sweating is interfering with physiological processes. Frequently used antiperspirants can be harmful to health ”, emphasizes K. Jančiukienė.

Can Natural Remedies Help?

Natural deodorants, according to the specialist, help prevent unpleasant odors and ensure a feeling of freshness throughout the day. Enriched with vitamins, antioxidants and plant extracts, deodorants effectively regulate unwanted odors without irritating the skin.

Alum crystal

Alum crystal

“Natural deodorants do not stop sweating by clogging pores, but rather eliminate their unpleasant odor; they help fight bacteria that cause body odor. Their reproduction is naturally inhibited by various oils and plant extracts, such as chamomile, arnica, palmarosa , calendula, tea tree. Vetiver oil or extract can also regulate sweating. Aloe vera, witch hazel, vegetable glycerin, desiccant calamine, and zinc ricinoleate are also widely used in the production of natural deodorants. ” He says.

The simplest natural deodorant is alum crystal, which creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria that cause sweat. Potassium alum is a pure mineral salt that forms in rocks. It occurs naturally in nature from the oxidation of minerals containing sulfur and potassium. Large blocks of potassium alum crystals are also extracted from the soil, which are then broken by hand, formed and polished.

“It prevents bacteria from multiplying and neutralizes the smell of sweat. Alum stone is also useful because it does not stain clothes and is inexpensive. Of course, this remedy will not be as effective as chemical-filled deodorants, so I advise you to take wet wipes with me, which will give you a feeling of freshness and will allow you to get rid of the bad smell, ”recommends K. Jančiukienė.

Deodorants can also be made at home, such as coconut oil, shea butter, cornstarch, and white clay.

“Coconut oil will help prevent underarm odor-causing bacteria. The cornstarch helps absorb moisture from the skin. Shea butter is suitable for sensitive skin, it helps to soften and protect it naturally, and white clay helps to detoxify the skin by eliminating toxins and avoiding sweating ”, comments the pharmacist.

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