Increased Endocrine Diseases: What Changes in the Body Indicate Endocrine System Disorders? | Life


The most common endocrine diseases.

The endocrine system is the endocrine gland that secretes specific chemicals into the blood, hormones that help control many vital functions of the body. It is especially important for the energy metabolism that takes place in every cell of the body. Disruption of this system can lead to thyroid disease, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, growth retardation, and other hormone-related disorders.

One of the most common endocrine diseases is diabetes and thyroid dysfunction. According to the WHO, there are currently 422 million people worldwide with diabetes alone. population.

“Type 1 diabetes is more common in children and adolescents, and the majority of adults in the adult population have type 2 diabetes. The predisposition to this endocrine disease is not determined by gender, so both men and women are equally How different is thyroid disease? Here, women are in the lead, the incidence is even 10 times higher, “says R. Bartulytė, internal medicine physician at the Vilnius Cardiolitis Clinics.

Thyroid diseases are also increasingly being detected. According to the doctor, this is also influenced by the improvement of diagnoses and preventive examinations in some countries. Patients are more likely to have a thyroid gland disorder, and the second most common disorder is an increased thyroid function.

One of the most common endocrine diseases is diabetes and thyroid dysfunction.

What Causes Endocrine Diseases?

Since the endocrine system regulates the work of absolutely the entire body, it is important to notice changes that warn of system disorders in a timely manner. They can be very varied: changes in body weight, skin rash, irritability, heart rate, tremors in the hands, intolerance to cold or heat, hair loss or vice versa, increased hair growth.

All these signs can be a sign that one of the links of the endocrine system has been disrupted and it is worth consulting a doctor. Endocrine diseases must also be controlled for couples who are unable to have children.

Vida Press nuotr./Insulin injectable

Vida Press nuotr./Insulin injectable

“The increasing number of endocrine diseases is determined by population growth and increasing life expectancy of people. But more important are the factors that determine our way of life. Type 2 diabetes belongs to a group of diseases called “diseases of civilization.” They are caused by the modern way of life: lack of physical activity, unbalanced diet, unhealthy habits. How different is type 1 diabetes? The development of this disease is determined by genetic factors and environmental. There are scientific works that show a connection with air pollution, passive smoking, the early use of milk mixtures “, explains Dr. R. Bartulytė.

Meanwhile, thyroid disorders can be caused by certain medications, inflammation of the thyroid gland, iodine deficiency or excess, and genetic disorders. Some compounds and pesticides used in industry and perfumery have also been found to negatively affect thyroid function.

“Endocrine disruptors can be found in absolutely everything in our environment: food, plastic packaging, household items, children’s toys, cosmetics, bodies of water, soil. Some substances that can alter our endocrine system are prohibited for use, but they continue to circulate in the ecosystem ”, says the doctor.

According to the doctor, the endocrine system can be affected by apparently less dangerous substances. For example, artificial sweeteners that promote insulin resistance in tissues. There have been reports of patients developing autoimmune thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) due to high consumption of soft drinks.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones?

So how do you protect your health and that of your loved ones and prevent endocrine diseases? Internal disease doctor R.Bartulytė first advises to start with the simplest actions.

“Avoid plastic containers, it is better to opt for glasses. If the food is still in a plastic package, do not microwave it under any circumstances. Don’t keep store checks, they can also be covered with substances that contain harmful compounds. Spend a lot of time outdoors, ventilate the place frequently, choose natural essential oils instead of artificial air fresheners to enhance the aroma in the house, and use enough iodine to protect the thyroid gland from the effects of perchlorate, ”says the doctor. .

He adds that what we eat is also very important. The internal medicine physician emphasizes that to stay healthy, you must eat as fresh and varied foods as possible. Fresh vegetables, fruits and fatty fish should be included in the diet. He also proposes to abandon products made from processed carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners. “For the endocrine system to remain balanced, there must be no compromise with cardinal diets: the body needs all nutrients, only their important proportions,” warns R. Bartulytė.

Regular physical activity, sleep, rest, and stress reduction are also necessary to prevent endocrine disorders. According to the doctor, there is research that shows that sport works as an additional treatment for various diseases (endocrine, cardiovascular, psychiatric). “The world of science is increasingly talking about the benefits of meditation and other mindfulness practices for the human body.

Research already exists showing that the blood levels of people who meditate significantly reduce stress hormones, improve diabetes treatment rates, and improve the quality of life for hypothyroid patients. However, if you feel the symptoms of endocrine diseases, it is better to consult a doctor; he will advise you on the most appropriate treatment and additional measures “, – Dr. R. Bartulytė shares how to care for the endocrine system or restore it.
