Inability to work and sickness benefits due to self-isolation: things to consider Business


You need to see a family doctor

“We sometimes get questions from the public about whether a COVID-19 test or contact with the National Public Health Center (NVSC) will result in a certificate of inability to work and an automatic sickness benefit.

It is important to highlight that in order to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work due to possible COVID-19 infection or contact with a person with a coronavirus infection, patients must, as in all other cases, consult their family doctor “, says Rimantas, Head of the Department of Control of Benefits and Disability for Work. Mitkevičius.

If a person has to isolate himself by contact with a sick person, a certificate of incapacity for work for mandatory isolation may be issued when he cannot work remotely due to the nature of his work and has not been declared inactive.

In such cases, the usual procedure for issuing a certificate of disability and paying sickness benefit applies. Until quarantine and emergency are declared in Lithuania, certificates of inability to work can be issued and extended remotely.

Retrospective question of incapacity for work

Sometimes, due to a high flow of patients or other objective reasons, the medical institution cannot issue a certificate of incapacity to work on the day of the application. It can be issued retroactively for a maximum of 5 business days from the date of contact with the family doctor, according to the Sodra report. nuotr./Saviizoliacija nuotr./Saviizoliacija

However, if the GP is unable to issue a certificate of incapacity for work because he has not yet received an NVSC certificate due to mandatory isolation, the certificate can be issued retroactively after the NVSC receives the NVSC certificate, regardless of how long time requested by the patient.

Disability to work will be granted and sickness benefit will be paid during the mandatory isolation period, but for no more than 14 calendar days according to the certificate delivered to the NVSC family doctor.

Make sure you need an NVSC certificate

In most cases, the GP issues a certificate of incapacity for work on the basis of a certificate from the National Public Health Center (NVSC) indicating the mandatory isolation period.

An NVSC certificate is not required if a person has had contact with your family, that is, a sick member of your family, but only if these people live together and are admitted to the same primary health care center.

This change came into effect recently: until now, a GP without an NVSC certificate could issue a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of mandatory isolation to a person who had contact with a sick family member if they were admitted to the same doctor .

According to Sodra, this caused inconvenience to residents; for example, if two of the four family members living together were enrolled with another family doctor, they would have to wait for the NVSC to issue the corresponding certificate. Now this requirement is gone, it is enough that the family members are registered with the same medical institution.

Application for sickness benefit

To receive Sodra sickness benefit, an application must be submitted. This can be done by logging into a personal account with an electronic signature, email. banking or via e. government gates.

Once a resident has completed such an application, they do not need to do it again: sickness benefit will be granted automatically. Sickness benefit can be claimed no later than 12 months after the end of the illness.

Health insurance is available to people insured with social health insurance who have had at least 3 months of social health insurance on the first day of illness in the last 12 months or 6 months in the last 24 months.

The amount of the sickness benefit is 62.06% in the case of personal illness and self-isolation and 65.94% in the case of personal nursing (care). of wages “on paper”.

You can check the amount of your sickness benefit here.
