in the world it is possible for 30 years, and in Lithuania, it is illegal


The black market is booming

“Medical abortion has been used around the world for more than 30 years since 1988. The year I was born. The generation of politicians in Lithuania has changed and I am preparing a report on a drug from three decades ago that Lithuania has not been able to register, ”said M. Daniel.

Currently, about 6,500 surgeries are performed in Lithuania each year, during which the pregnancy is surgically terminated. With a medical abortion, when a woman takes a medication pill and the embryo removes itself, these numbers can be avoided and the women themselves will feel more secure and private.

In Finland, 95% of pregnancies are interrupted precisely with drugs.

“It is unfortunate, but women often begin to solve the problem themselves: in Lithuania there is a medical abortion, for which women buy on the black market, its health risks cannot be consulted with doctors” lamented a member of the Seimas.

During the conference, Danielė expressed his surprise that in the field of medicine, where facts and science-based information are important, decisions are still made according to inexplicable criteria.

92 percent agree.

Esmeralda Kuliešytė, gynecologist and director of the Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health, agreed with the Seimas member that medical abortion is not a new method, and in 2005 it was approved by the World Health Organization.

“This method does not require anesthesia, surgery, instruments, a woman undergoes this procedure without or with a small amount of pain relievers. In addition, it is healthier and psychologically, a woman can choose where and when to do it, ”said E. Kuliešytė.

The Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health conducted a survey that surveyed 527 people and 92 percent. 80% of them supported the legalization of this method. I would choose this method as a priority if an abort is to be performed.

The association brought together 23 organizations and asked the Minister of Health A. Dulkis for urgent approval of this method.

Performed up to 70 days of gestation

Vilnius University Santara Clinic, gynecologist dr. Vytautas Klimas recalls that in countries where abortions are prohibited or restricted, the mortality of women due to the consequences of criminal abortions is increasing.

“Each pregnancy must be carried out when expected, and an effective contraceptive method must be used until it is so. In cases where the pregnancy is not planned and it is desired to interrupt the pregnancy, it must be carried out quickly, without obstacles and with the lowest possible risk of physical and psychological trauma, and a good alternative is medical abortion, ”said V. Klimas.

The doctor explained how medical abortion works. A woman who wants to do this should first visit a doctor who will assess her general condition, the length of pregnancy or pregnancy in the womb, prescribe medications, and explain how to use them.

Medical termination of pregnancy is only possible as long as the pregnancy does not exceed 70 days from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding.

A mifepristone tablet, which is not registered in Lithuania, should be taken during the medical termination of pregnancy. This medicine stops the embryo from developing and helps the uterus “reject” a fertilized egg. After 24-48 hours. A misoprostol tablet is placed under the tongue or behind the cheek, the purpose of which is to soften the cervix, open the uterine canal and cause the uterus to contract, which will help to remove the embryo. This starts to happen after a few hours and is completely eliminated within two days.

“Because of these drugs, abortion happens automatically. A blood clot with a germ is removed from the large cherry to a small lemon size with the blood. There are still a couple of uterine bleeding and contractions, and after 2-3 weeks they need to be checked, “explained Dr. V. Klimas.

In his opinion, the advantages of this abortion method are obvious, the woman is less traumatized, she is not at risk of complications related to anesthesia and surgery.

The right of women to choose is violated

Director of the Specialized Comprehensive Assistance Center, Vilnius c. Lilija Henrika Vasiliauskė, head of the women’s household, emphasized that there is a great lack of support and understanding of women’s rights in public discourse, including decision-making about the reproductive system.

“Women can choose and decide for themselves without being moralized or accused of murder. A 2004 study was conducted in the United States and Russia to examine the well-being of women after abortion. 60 percent. Americans felt guilty. after this procedure, while in Russia, where abortion is perceived as a normal procedure, only 10 percent felt it. women. 14 percent American citizens experienced PTSD, compared to just 0.4 percent in Russia If we make women’s rights universal and indivisible, she can make decisions like a man, she does not need to be polite, embarrassed, but only to ensure a friendly procedure, “said LHVasiliauskė.

Margarita Jankauskaitė, representative of the ReGina network of women’s non-governmental organizations, also supports him.

“Women in Lithuania still do not have the opportunity to use the tools that modern science offers to control their own lives. In a country where women have been voting for a century, when they talk about their possibility of conceiving and having a baby , they are no longer considered active people, ”said M. Jankauskaitė.
