In the United States, a record number of COVID-19 cases were detected per day.


Starting Thursday at 8 pm 30 minutes. At the same time on Friday, 79,963 cases of coronavirus infection had been tested in the country. Their total number in the United States has reached nearly 8.5 million since the start of the pandemic.

The number of COVID-19 cases detected per day in the United States has already approached 80,000. in July, when the disease spread extensively in southern states, including Texas and Florida.

Currently, the worst epidemiological situation is in the North and the Midwest. About 35 of the 50 states are experiencing an increase in the number of reported COVID-19 cases per day.

The number of deaths per day recorded in COVID-19 patients has been relatively stable since the early fall, between 700 and 800.

To date, more than 223 thousand have died in the country. people infected with coronavirus.

In terms of absolute total casualties, the United States has suffered more from the COVID-19 pandemic than any other country, but mortality, measured in terms of the number of patients killed per total population, is not the highest.

Researchers have found that if protective masks were widely used, around 130,000 people in the country could be avoided. human deaths. This issue has become a particularly sensitive political issue in the run-up to the November 3 presidential election.

President Donald Trump, who has been criticized by many for his leadership in addressing the health crisis and continuing to minimize the risk of coronavirus, has promised to develop a COVID-19 vaccine in the near future. The head of state wants the population to be vaccinated for free.

His rival, Democrat Joe Biden, also promised on Friday that in the event of his victory, the COVID-19 vaccine would be “free for all.”
