in the past, men made fun of the “competitor” who drove heavy machinery, now in silence


Accelerated from childhood

The young woman seen at the wheel of a powerful modern tractor is even more surprised by the young people. However, for Antanas Zubavičius, a farmer from the Dumblinėliai village of the Pasvalys district, this is normal everyday life.

The farm of A. Zubavičius, which is dedicated to raising animals, employs ten mercenaries and half of them are young ladies.

“There are almost no young boys and workers in the town. It is much easier with the girls, they are not only more patient and hard-working, but also curious, they want to try everything. My own daughters, Onutė and Agnytė, also lead various teams”, the farmer said happily.

Ieva Suknevičiūtė started earning money at a farmer as a child. During holidays or weekends, a group of children from the surrounding villages knocked on the door of the farmer’s house and asked for work.

Although A. Zubavičius had far more serious concerns and activities than supervising the little helpers who were thirsty for work and money, no children were taken out of the yard.

He pedaled up to 13 kilometers

Although summer is the heat of work, 24-year-old I. Suknevičiūtė found time to tell others about his work, which is still unusual, and the reaction of people when he saw him while driving a powerful tractor.

The girl did not hide that her family was going through a very difficult time, so she and her brother Svajūnas dreamed of times when they could earn money themselves. The girl understood how difficult it is to earn money and how to save it. Knowing that farmers needed working hands, he decided not to be afraid to go to the nearest farmers and offer help.

A. Zubavičius was the one who did not refuse.

The family lived on a remote farm and the farmer’s farm was not that close. The girl was riding a bicycle, she had to cover 13 kilometers each time. In the morning this distance did not seem so long, but after work the pedals were not so easily remembered.

The first few jobs were not very difficult or difficult, but perseverance was required.

“My cousin and I fly to collect stones from the fields or to dig grain during the harvest. And when I was fourteen, he offered to teach me how to drive a tractor. A couple of years later, I was able to sow, sow and eat fields. I drove the tractor perfectly without having any rights, but in order to work independently, I was in a hurry to get my driver’s license, ”said the girl.

She learned everything she had learned and her brother was working on the same farm.

Represents ten boys

As soon as he came of age, I. Suknevičiūtė rushed to take his driving tests. He first obtained a driver’s license and then waited for them to verify how he operated heavy machinery.

Because the girl was determined to work with techniques of different power, she had to even pass three categories of exams.

“The more powerful the technique, the more interesting it is for me to work with it. I was very happy when the farmer bought a telehandler with an arrow that extends up to 20 meters. I cried the stumps without problems, rolling huge stones. I spent my days in the cabin, because I had to dry the fields, dig ditches or pull logs from the forest ”, the tractor named the works.

The girl laughs, remembering the first reaction of the men who worked on the farm as she sat behind the wheel of a powerful tractor. This time they threw out all sorts of aftershocks and predicted that there would definitely be no good driver from the blonde. But the stubborn lady quickly wiped her nose and surpassed everyone who made fun of her with her talents.

“I can safely say that an Eva with her youthful energy represents ten children who are lazy and lazy to work. She not only cultivates the fields with various implements, but also sits behind the wheel when the harvest begins. And if someone breaks down He goes down to the city to buy the parts and then replaces them. And the men are invited to carry out repair work only if they cannot lift any heavy details, “said the farmer with great sincerity.

Butt shakes: an unpopular old age

At the A.Zubavičius farm, most of the equipment is modern, but the farmer also has old Soviets. I.Suknevičiūtė does not like this very much.

“I rarely drive those old tractors shaking my ass. Those relics like day and night are different from modern comfortable tractors. In the fall, when you have to get close to the fields, you go into the cabin in the morning and only go out in the late afternoon. And nothing, everything is fine. I have no idea how an old tractor should look all day. The cabins of the new teams play radio, the air conditioning works, the seat is comfortable, you just work and you want to! ”- the driver mentioned the advantages of modern equipment.

He regretted that only the combine does not have a radio, but it really is not necessary: ​​all kinds of signals emit a beep, it is necessary to observe whether the hopper has already filled the grain.

I.Suknevičiūtė covers an average of 30 hectares of fields per day.

Happiness was also sought abroad

The girl, who knew the value of money, managed to save money and buy a house in the village of Smilgiai, the old age of Daujėnai. You are pleased that the change of residence has shortened your journey to work. All the more so since he is already driving a car to the farmer.

The young tractor driver, as much as she likes to drive, does not intend to stay with A. Zubavičius. Dreaming of going to work abroad. I had already tried it a couple of times.

“I really wanted to change jobs and see the world. In Denmark I worked on a ferret farm and in England I even had to work in some factories. It is difficult to work in a foreign country, but there are fewer hours of work and higher wages. I go there because I really want to repair a house that I bought a couple of years ago ”, explained the girl.

With girls – about food

In Lithuania, a girl has to work 6 days a week during the working year, from early morning until late at night. Due to such a busy work schedule, her best friend reproaches Eve. The boy is proud that his lady is doing unusual work, but would like to spend more time with her.

The interlocutor does not hide that at a friends party she never says what she is working on first. However, there is always a common acquaintance who loudly announces that Ieva is a tractor driver and is repairing the equipment herself.

“When the participants of this party hear this, they are very surprised, so there are common topics of conversation with the boys. I could also talk about cooking with the girls, because it is a profession that I have acquired. Although, it is true, I never worked as a chef ”, opened the smilgietė.

With her brother, the girl often jokes that she does not need a husband: she overcomes both female and male work by herself.
