In the mansion market – individual transactions, but the supply is growing: what can you buy? | 15MAX


Both mansions were sold at the first auction. The winners of the auction acquired the right to lease the state lands near the mansions: 22 areas of Ilguva, 6.6 hectares of Pagryžuvis.

Tomás Bagdonas, a spokesman for the Property Bank, was asked why the state mansions were being sold, stating that the institution only develops and develops state properties for administrative purposes. As a result, all other assets transferred by the institutions to the Property Bank are held for sale and the proceeds are invested in the renovation of state real estate or transferred to the national budget.

How then did the mansions fall into the hands of Turto bankas? According to T. Bagdon, vocational training institutions operated here during the Soviet era and after the proclamation of independence. As the population shrunk and the population’s employment changed, these institutions disappeared due to insufficient numbers of students.

“Such complexes are difficult to maintain, so their managers turned them over to the Property Bank for sale, in the hope that new owners will emerge with a connection to resurrect these historically rich buildings. The recent auctions of the Ilguva and Pagryžuvis mansions show that there are people in Lithuania who are willing to invest in the revitalization of the heritage ”, he is convinced.

Two more mansions will be offered to the market

Currently, Turto Bankas is preparing the Baltosios Vokės mansions in the Šiauliai district of Gruzdžiai and Vilnius for privatization.

Turto bankas has been managing the building of the Baltosios Vokė mansion in the Pagiriai Old Town, Vilnius district, since 2000, when part of the buildings were transferred by an agricultural technical school. It still operates part of the manor house buildings such as the Vilnius School of Technology, Business and Agriculture.

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