In the Lithuanian business – 1.4 thousand. corporate zombies


According to Scorify, after evaluating companies based on the signs of bankruptcy in 2019 and 2018 and their actual number, there are currently around 1.4 thousand companies in Lithuania. “Zombies” of companies that survived only thanks to state aid.

Žilvinas Milerius, director of Scorify, claims that the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) or Sodra used to initiate bankruptcy before the pandemic, but after allowing taxes to be deferred during the pandemic, the volume of initiation of the bankruptcy of STI and Sodra was significantly reduced.

“These” walking corpses “are trying to operate for lack of working capital, paralyzing mutual payments and transferring their problems to other companies”, Ž. Miller.

“These companies distort the health of the economy, a phenomenon comparable to chronic inflammation in the body that is not treated but can escape at the most inopportune moment,” he said.

According to Ž. Miller’s bankrupt state institutions acted as market sanitizers because the companies themselves rarely want to; they are more inclined to pay off their losing partners’ debts.

According to Scorify, in 2019, 2,571 companies started or filed for bankruptcy in Lithuania, and 20% had signs of bankruptcy. companies rated as higher risk and almost 4% with higher than average risk.

At that time last year, there were only 12 percent of those companies. and 2 percent. According to Ž. Miller, this shows that some companies had already filed for bankruptcy under normal circumstances.

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