In the eyes of 100th Seimas politicians: I. Šimonyte’s attempts to “pull” A.Dulkis, S.Skvernelis – obstruction of opposition rights


15 minutes Speaking about the work of the Seimas after the elections, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, a representative of the ruling Freedom Party elected for the first time to parliament, said it was difficult to join the process in the middle of the fall session.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius

“At first, it is very difficult to understand what is happening and why it is happening. The first impression is that many things.

Now, of course, the work between sessions is quite different, more time to prepare, deepen, establish priorities, “said the MP.

TVRaskevičius knowledge of the Statute of the Seimas

He assured that he had already read the document that regulates the work of the Seimas – the Statute of the Seimas – three times.

“I can’t remember, but if there is a question, I can already imagine what it is written about, I can quickly see it. I see this as an achievement,” said TVRaskevičius.

When asked how he sees the relationship between the rulers and the opposition, the politician said that the conditions for its development were not favorable.

“Between the ruling majority and the opposition, the minority has fewer opportunities to physically discuss and speak in general, which, in my opinion, is not necessarily a good thing,” said the newcomer to Seimas.

TVRaskevičius, who wants to bring about change in the field of human rights, said he was concerned if he would manage to do all of this during his tenure or if there would be enough support.

Immediately after the Seimas elections, the Freedom Party, which was invited to join the ruling coalition, set the goal of decriminalizing drug possession in the Seimas within 100 days without the goal of distributing and legalizing drugs. same-sex couples.

Looking for support

This has not been achieved: the association proposal has not even been registered and the amendments on drug decriminalization it only passed the presentation stage.

However, according to TVRaskevičius, these issues became part of the political agenda within three months.

“Everyone talks about it, discusses it, opinions differ. This seems like a great achievement to me, because for a long time these issues have been left out of politics, “he said.

It takes time to reconcile the various aspects, to find language that is acceptable to all.

The party, according to the politician, will not rush to register the project with the association.

“It takes time to reconcile various aspects, find formulations that are acceptable to everyone and then move forward so that we get as much support as possible,” said TVRaskevičius, but assured that the aforementioned goals certainly will not be canceled.

“There are embers that glow, but the open fire will burn in the spring session,” he said.

A.Sys: As long as Peter is at the Seimas, the culture is always the same

Algirdas Sysas, a member of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) who started his seventh term in the Seimas, evaluated the work of his colleagues and said that it had not changed in any way: most of the newcomers needed to get used to and the culture of communication remained the same.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Algirdas Sysas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Algirdas Sysas

“When Petras is in the Seimas (Petras Gražulis – 15 minutes), culture is always at the same level. We have pearls, Mr. Valdemaras Valkiūnas too, “said A. Sysas.

The only distinction he mentions is part of the Seimas sessions on the COVID-19 pandemic took place remotely.

And this allegedly undermined the quality of parliament’s work.

“There was a lack of honest and good work when you see a person who is not on the screen, but by your side to discuss how it should be. <...> The quality of the discussions is affected remotely and I think the quality of the decisions made, ”said A. Sysas and said that he would like to return to his usual work as soon as possible.

The quality of the debate is affected remotely, and I think the quality of the decisions that are made.

Speaking of the relations between the position and the opposition, the politician said that there were clashes, especially over the amendments to the Statute of the Seimas, but this, according to him, is normal.

“We only learn when we are in opposition. When we came back to power, we forgot we were in opposition. Obviously I saw it in the first meetings,” said A. Sys.

Mainysis parama

What do you expect from the Seimas in the future?

“I want to believe that the rulers who left with certain slogans and promises will try to fulfill them: they will review the tax system and livestock, and other things. We, as a constructive opposition, will always help to do those things.

There are also human rights issues, some of which are not accepted by the conservatives, but the liberals, the Freedom Party, want to provide, “Sys said.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Algirdas Sysas, Ingrida Šimonytė

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Algirdas Sysas, Ingrida Šimonytė

The politician predicted that in this legislature of the Seimas we will see the joint action of the representatives of the opposition and the office.

“I think there will continue to be a struggle of opinions in the Seimas, the opposition will not necessarily be on one side and the position on the other. There will be questions where part of the opposition will support the position and vice versa.

As always, parliament is so varied, a reflection of our society. Everything will be there, “said A. Sys.

S. Skvernelis: The rulers ignored the rights of the opposition

According to former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, when the authorities change and the leadership and composition of the committees are formed, there is chaos in the Seimas.

And that is normal.

Only this time, when appointing the chairmen of the committees and commissions, according to S. Skvernel, the rulers ignored the rights of the opposition, abused to ask for a vote on the projects.

The precedent is very bad to change the essential results of the vote

“There have been at least some such cases where the rulers don’t fit in, even though decisions have been made. When it is claimed that someone did not understand something and a new vote is launched.

The precedent is very bad for changing the essential results of the vote ”, said a member of the opposition group“ campesinos ”.

So far, the Seimas, according to him, has mainly adopted the decisions made by the previous government, not the new one, including an essential one: the budget.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Saulius Skvernelis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Saulius Skvernelis

“Looking at the government’s activities during those first almost three months, there are no bills. Maybe they will save for the spring session and it will be different in the spring session,” S. Skvernelis commented.

Welcome remote meetings

It is true that he, unlike A. Sys, was pleased that the rulers had initiated and legitimized the teleworking of the Seimas.

“It is good that the decision was made by teleworking. We can really thank the Chancellery of Seimas and Vice President Paulis Saudargas, who took the initiative and, I think, handled this issue very well,” said S. Skvernelis, adding that remote meetings go well.

“Of course, we yearn for live work everywhere, be it at the Seimas or another institution, but safety is the most important thing here. I think, at least for the members of the Seimas, it is more stable, simpler, when the Seimas cannot physically summon due to the quarantine, and that alternative exists, ”said the politician.

And what hopes do you have for the future work of the Seimas?

People have voted and voted for the change, now we need to see how those changes will be implemented.

“People have voted and voted for the change, now we need to see how those changes will be implemented. <...> I hope we have a deep conceptual debate on the law, especially on reform issues. We want our work to be productive and we don’t get drowned in details, ”said S. Skvernelis.

I.Šimonytė: I expected less empty accusations

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė would also like to see rational debates and joint work at the Seimas in the future.

“In the spring of the Seimas, I expected rational and future-oriented discussions and decisions, fewer unnecessary emotions or empty accusations.

I look forward to the joint and constructive work of the different parliamentary groups in the drafting of the National Agreement on Education, ”said the Conservative Deputy Prime Minister, who responded. 15 minutes delivered by his advisor Rasa Jakilaitienė.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Ingrida Šimonytė

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Ingrida Šimonytė

The Prime Minister stated that the Seimas, which had started its work, managed to approve two essential documents even in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Seimas has begun its work in the difficult conditions of a largely uncontrolled pandemic.

“The Seimas has started its work in the difficult conditions of a largely uncontrolled pandemic, and the instruments for remote work of the Seimas have not been developed until then. However, the main strategic political decisions of the last session, the program of the Government and the 2021 budget, they were managed without problems, I welcome that.

In this way, we form resources in a transparent way in the budget for the second quarantine support package, we managed to improve the downtime conditions, we provide additional funds to manage the consequences of COVID-19, from additional surcharges for doctors or officers of police even funds for vaccines ”. I. Šimonytė taught.

Solutions that “symbolize reorientation”

According to her, the Seimas also seamlessly switched to teleworking, making several symbolic but valuable decisions, such as waived the legal immunity of MP Gražulis, suspected abuse.

“For the first time in history, the Seimas has succeeded in transitioning to telecommuting mode in a constitutionally and technologically orderly manner, and passing laws in this way seamlessly in the 21st century.

Small things, but symbolic in the sense of political culture, in my opinion, were the abolition of the legal immunity of Petras Gražulis (which the previous Seimas did not do) and the establishment of the Committee of the Future.

I want to believe that this will symbolize the reorientation of the commissions dedicated to examining the past of political opponents to the issues that are really important for the future of Lithuania, ”commented I. Šimonytė.

Criticisms of the previous government

He positively evaluated the relations between the Government and the Seimas, although he questioned whether it makes sense to invite the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis to report on the management of COVID-19 so frequently.

“The relationship between the government and the opposition, I think, is businesslike and respectful, at least on the part of the government. The ministers and I do not shy away from being invited to answer questions from parliamentarians and their political groups.

Although sometimes one has the impression that he does not want so much to find out the answers, but to try, for example, to “pull” Minister A. Dulkis by asking him the same questions several times a day, when those questions are asked by those who have created a situation.

But that is the price of democracy and I accept it ”, summarized the Prime Minister.
