In the divisions of the will of Karpavičius, the usual elements in the world of bandits: the son spoke of a treacherous attack on him.


The history of the richest will, which is already worth not only the script of a separate book, but also the script of a multi-season television series, still attracts the attention of Lithuanian society. Rokas Karpis, the son of R. Karpavičius, who recently visited Lithuania for a short time, presents a number of new and interesting facts, especially to the readers and viewers of Delfi. His current place of residence is the same scandalously known villa of the Karpavičiai family in Tenerife, where two famous Kaunas police commissioners and a well-known business lawyer from the capital rushed in while his rich father was still alive. The aforementioned villa, as well as the entire 110 million euro business empire cultivated by R. Karpavičius for many years, are still disputed in court, so it is not yet clear who will manage it in the near future.

Could it be that the wealth of a millionaire, for which not only the country’s most influential lawyers but also a few shady people are fighting today, is nothing more than a well-directed performance in which the brother of the late millionaire does not play? the last violin?
