In Siauliai, 8- to 9-year-old children became seriously ill after COVID-19 infection: resuscitation required


In recent weeks, doctors at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital have come across a pair of 8- to 9-year-old boys treated for resuscitation.

As the coordinator of the Children’s Disease Profile of the Hospital’s Clinics for Women and Children told Dr. Margarita Valūnienė, both children were infected with Covid-19, although they did not present any characteristic symptoms of this infection. However, all the problems started after a few weeks, with the sudden development of a severe inflammatory reaction in the body.

The condition suddenly worsens after a few weeks.

As the doctor first pointed out, it is already known that most children have a mild or asymptomatic form of coronavirus infection.

“It just came to our attention then. Children. But what has already been observed in Europe during the first wave of coronavirus is that there are some children who are very seriously ill when they already need intensive care. Certainly, this is not the rule, but That knowledge is remarkable, ”he said.

According to M. Valūnienė, in this case the Covid-19 infection disappears as if it went unnoticed, but later, in 2-3 weeks, a very stormy fever occurs and the patient’s condition worsens: pressure drops, skin rashes, swelling of the soles of the feet, damage to other organs may occur. it is already a condition that requires intensive care.

“This is the so-called multisystem inflammatory response after a mild Covid-19 infection. Then it would be like a continuation and complication of the disease, “said the doctor.

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A threatening complication awaits

According to M. Valiūnienė, it is described in the world that it is a very dangerous pathology, especially due to heart damage.

“It is believed that up to 80 percent. The cases are damage to the heart, coronary arteries and are subject to specific treatment with immunoglobulins, hormones in addition to conventional treatment with antibiotics, oxygen therapy. And the sooner these children receive the necessary treatment, the less the risk of complications ”, noted the doctor.

It is true that, although this reaction in the body is associated with Covid-19, a similar reaction can occur with another infection:

“It is a reaction to viral or other inflammation, but so far that association with Covid-19 has been observed.”

A child’s condition is severe

The interviewee said that in this case too, both children, aged eight and nine, had a recurrent Covid-19 infection. Although his PCR test was negative, an antibody test confirmed the recurrence of the disease.

“One of them went directly to resuscitation because there was a persistent fever and there was no other source of infection. Even more so in the history of parents or other loved ones it was positive for Covid-19. And after 2-3 hours, the boy was transported to his colleagues in Kaunas for specific treatment.

The other boy, as he was not in such serious condition, had more abdominal pain and diarrhea, he spent a few days with us. After rejecting the surgical pathology, we started thinking about the Covid-19 reaction and the body that followed, “he said.

A boy went to the clinic two weeks ago, after spending a few days in Šiauliai and Kaunas hospitals. The other child’s condition is still difficult and he is being treated again in Kaunas.

Older people get stuck more often

However, why, for some, such a stormy autoimmune reaction “triggers”, according to the doctor, is very difficult to answer.

“It is very difficult to say which children with the mild form of Covid-19 will develop such complications, apparently, and genetic predisposition is important. But it is observed in the literature that these previously healthy children, in addition to chronic diseases, are slightly more likely to be ill in children, but these are not specifically reliable data.

They are also usually older children, from 5 to the age of majority and over 21 years of age. Everyone, anyway, most children do not even know they have had an infection, it usually happens when they are tested for a close infected person, ”explained M. Valiūnienė.

Much sicker than in spring

The coordinator of the pediatric profile of the women’s and children’s clinics added that if the childhood cases of Covid-19 were not recorded during the first wave in the spring, there are currently 2-3 cases in total every day.

“But usually it is mild, there is a clear contact, usually one of the parents is ill or isolated. And usually, after the initial inspection, they are discharged. A more serious illness and a more persistent fever remain to be observed. But, as we already said, some of these children go directly to resuscitation, ”he said.

Therefore, the doctor urged parents to closely monitor their child’s health after fever and to see a doctor as soon as possible.

“Usually you notice that a child does not get as well as usual with a common cold. Therefore, we invite you not to be afraid and better come to the children’s emergency department, “emphasized M. Valiūnienė.

The number of cases has increased significantly

Commenting on the general situation regarding the incidence of the coronavirus in children, the representative of the National Center of Public Health Justina Petravičienat emphasized that she could not speak about the severity of the cases, but stated that there are more children now than in the spring . Here, around 50 children under the age of 9 have signed up since December 1 alone.

“However, there are actually only a few cases where a child needs hospitalization for Covid-19. But this occurs at a time when we are conducting an epidemiological investigation of the case. It is possible to have another situation as the disease develops, but only doctors can say that, ”he said.

According to J. Petravičienė, compared to early autumn, the number of cases has increased significantly. Most of the cases are related to outbreaks in family celebrations and educational institutions.
