In power, not only millionaires and debtors, there are also the poor


Among the three top officials of the country, the richest president of the Seimas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, and Prime Minister I.Šimonyt only, only the fourth among the ministers.

This is demonstrated by the property declarations of politicians published by the State Tax Inspection on Wednesday.

The president has debts

The family property of the president of the Seimas V.Čmilytė-Nielsen who leads the Liberal Movement is 932.7 thousand. euros. It has 211.2 thousand. EUR 23.3 in real estate, Cerdocyon a car worth 70.7 thousand euros. savings in euros.

Politician Dan Peter Heine Nielsen has 59,000. properties worth 446 thousand euros. savings in euros. It has given 46 thousand. loan in euros.

Compared to 2019, the family assets of the President of the Seimas increased by 58.8 thousand. euros.

At that time, the value of President Gitanas Nausėda’s family property decreased by around 6.2 thousand. euros. It currently amounts to 760 thousand. euros.

The head of state and his spouse declared that they had 263.5 thousand. real estate worth 95 thousand. Plots valued at 250 euros. G.Nausėda declared that he had 20,4 thousand. Savings of euros and 80,2 thousand. loan in euros. The savings of the president’s wife, Diana Nausėdienė, are slightly smaller: 13 thousand. but it has 7.6 thousand. works of art worth EUR.

The prime minister got rich

Property of I.Šimonytė – 277.6 thousand. euros. The head of government declared that he had 90 thousand. Department worth 140 thousand. EUR worth of a house and 24.5 thousand. parcels worth EUR.

The prime minister’s car was valued at 20,000. his savings are 3125 euros. The politician has also been made with more than 63 thousand. loan in euros.

Compared to 2019, the value of I.Šimonytė’s assets increased by approximately 109 thousand. euros.

Profitable wife business

The Prime Minister is outnumbered by three members of the Government. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gabriel Landsberg, leader of the Conservatives, was once again raised to the top of the table of the richest politicians by his wife Austėja Landsbergienė.

The value of the shares owned by A. Landsbergienė, who founded the network of private schools and kindergartens, exceeds 13 million. and their total family assets – 16.7 million. euros.

The share value of the company managed by A. Landsbergienė increased dramatically during the year. Last year, declared that the value of the shares of 8.5 thousand. EUR jumped to 12.8 million. euros.

G. Landsbergis stated in the statement that he had 395.1 thousand. Assets valued in EUR: 194.8 thousand 15,929 euros from residential buildings, 15,929 thousand euros from other buildings, 175.9 thousand euros. parcels worth EUR.

The conservative leader owns shares worth € 141, works of art and jewelry worth € 7,241.

Debt payment was in no rush

The family assets of Dainius Kreivis, the conservative Minister of Energy, amount to 1.5 million. euros.

Both the minister and his wife declared that they had 547.7 thousand. The flats have a loan of more than 285 thousand euros. euros.

During the year, the value of the property of D. Kreivis increased by approximately 100,000. However, the amount of outstanding loans did not decrease.

Among the wealthiest ministers is the Minister of Education, Science and Sports Jurgita Šiugždinienė. His family’s assets amount to 1.1 million. euros.

Almost half of these assets – 442.8 thousand. The savings of Raimondas Šiugždinis, the Minister of World and European Sailing Champions, are made by the Minister. The spouses have 184 thousand. real estate in euros.

Assets: machines only

According to the statement, the family of the conservative Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas is probably the most modestly living. His family property – 24,4 thousand. cars worth euros. The Minister has 12.4 thousand. loan in euros.

The minimum amount – 12 thousand. The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė, leader of the Freedom Party, stated in the euro declaration. However, together with her husband she has 45.3 thousand. assets worth EUR.

Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska and her husband own 77,000. Assets worth 65 thousand euros. of which it consists of a department.

Wealth – and abroad

There are three millionaires in the Seimas. They are the conservative G. Landsbergis, Valdemaras Valkiūnas belonging to the Lithuanian regional faction and the liberal Arminas Lydeka.

Declared assets and cash of V. Valkiūnas: almost 4.9 million. euros. The statement of this politician and businessman states that the value of his apartments in Lithuania is 217.2 thousand. euros.

Abroad it has more than one million euros in non-residential buildings and a plot abroad worth 1.6 million euros.

In addition, the politician declared having shares worth more than one million euros. Others 824.2 thousand. euros that you keep abroad.

The assets declared by A. Lydeka amount to more than one million euros. Most of his property consists of apartments, their value is 904.8 thousand. euros.

There are also the poor

Kazys Starkevičius, a former conservative who was on the Seimas millionaire list of the previous legislature, this time declared nearly 949,000. assets worth EUR. K. Starkevičius indicated that he had 68.4 thousand. Residential houses worth EUR, 335.7 thousand EUR of other buildings, its declared value of land – 439.2 Cerdocyon. euros. The amount of funds loaned and not repaid by the long-term politician is 282 thousand LTL. euros.

The farmer Agnė Širinskienė (8 thousand euros), the representative of the Freedom Party Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius (6,600 euros), member of the Lithuanian regional faction Beata Petkevič (4 thousand euros) have declared the active minors among the parliamentarians and are being tried for corruption even for his own. Vytautas Gapšys expenses, which refused to lawyers (3.5 thousand euros).
