In Lithuania, with no passion for MAMA, a great concert of “Ruki Vverh” took place in the Minsk arena: pictures can take away the promise


The moments of Ruki Vverh’s grand concert in Belarus are spreading on social media. Listen to Russian pop music on March 27. gathered in the almost crowded Minsk arena. That day the MAMA awards were held in Lithuania, which caused a huge wave of criticism in our country for a possible unmanageable situation, knowing how difficult it is to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

However, looking at the videos of Ruki Vverh’s concert on Saturday in a neighboring country, one can get the impression that the shots are at least a couple of years old, since thousands of spectators not only do not wear masks, but also do not wear safe distance. However, the date does not deceive: the event took place on March 27 at the Minsk stadium.

In addition, the day before, the same group had given another of its own concerts, which were flooded with no less listeners who did not sit in their seats and prepared to delight in the crowd.

The tickets page for the event indicated before the show that all participants would have an unforgettable experience with the popular group, but there was no information about the safety requirements or at least recommendations.

March 27 Last day 1,213 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Belarus, TASS reported.

The Belarusian Ministry of Health has announced that 317,631 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.

At that time, 1,212 patients had recovered in the last day and 308,216 people have recovered so far.

In Belarus, 9 people died from COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the total number of deaths to 2,211.

In addition, 19,129 coronavirus studies were conducted per day, for a total of 5,310,667 studies.

2020 October 1 Belarus has started vaccinating people with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine and has become the first country after Russia to officially register the drug.

The vaccinations began at the end of December and as of March 15. – teachers and social workers.

March 25 The Belarusian company Belmedpreparaty has started the production of the Sputnik V vaccine. In mid-March, the population was also vaccinated with a vaccine manufactured by the Chinese company Sinopharm.

A safer concert was also held in Barcelona

At a rock music concert held in Barcelona on Saturday night, to which, curiously, all tickets were sold, music lovers hugged, danced and sang freely.

It is announced that it was possible to participate in the concert only after the rapid COVID-19 and a negative result. It is hoped that with the success of this experiment, the live music industry will revive both in Spain and elsewhere.

Those who wanted to hear Spanish indie rock band Love of Lesbian live had to wear protective masks, but the show at the Palau Sant Jordi did not have to keep a safe distance, Reuters reports.

“It just came to our notice then. We felt really safe all the time. We were in the front row, right on stage. Long-awaited feelings washed over him. I’m very glad that you had the opportunity to participate in an experiment of this kind. I would really like it to be the first of many, “said Salvador, a 29-year-old public relations specialist who shared his impressions after the concert.

After years of lawsuits away, the images in the sand really did look like a surreal image. The group’s fans danced, had fun and avoided physical contact, but a sea of ​​protective masks reminded them that life had not yet returned to normal.

The medical check-ups in the arena took longer than expected, so the start of the concert had to be postponed. Only the mood of those who were waiting for him did not spoil it in any way.

“Welcome to perhaps the most memorable concert of our lives!” Group leader Santi Balmes greeted the crazy crowd.

The concert, held with the permission of the country’s authorities, is designed to test whether similar events could be resumed.

“I think it is safer to celebrate at the Palau Sant Jordi arena than to walk the streets,” Jordi Herreruela, organizer of the concert, told Reuters on Saturday.

The rapid tests prior to the concert could be carried out in three locations with a total of eighty people working.

At noon on Saturday, three of the 2,400 people who had taken the test had a positive result and had to give up the idea of ​​a concert, another person had contact with the patient, says Josep Maria Libre, the doctor who supervised the test. Concert goers found out about the antigen test results in 10-15 minutes, they were sent to the app on the phone. The cost of the quick test and the protective mask were included in the ticket price.

“I think we did a very important job today: showing the world that culture is safe,” said Ramón, 49, who visited her after the concert.

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