In Lithuania: a new case of imported coronavirus: the person returned from Sweden


“98 patients were hospitalized, of which 11, 5 are ventilated and 24 are treated with oxygen masks in the resuscitation and intensive care units,” R. Lingienė reported at a press conference held at the Ministry of Health (SAM) on Friday.

Reviewed the situation at the Antaviliai pension

According to R. Lingienė, on Thursday two more cases of coronavirus were detected in the Antaviliai pension.

“Those employees felt bad and were immediately rushed to Santara’s clinics from work. They worked with high-risk individuals at the Antaviliai pension. NVSC specialists explain to others who have had contact, their nature and degree of risk.” R. Lingienė said, adding that a repeated examination of patients and staff is underway.

“From the beginning, 18 people with COVID-19 infection have registered with the pension, including 8 employees and 10 patients. 16 exposed workers were identified, of which up to 6 were subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19. The staff was isolated, as were 90 patients in contact. 10 of them became ill and were transferred to the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, “said R. Lingienė.

He also reported that the necessary measures were taken in the pension: teams of employees were formed, patients were dissolved and the facilities were disinfected.

A new import case is in Telšiai

The specialist also reported on a new import case established in Telšiai County.

“One person on May 5. he returned from Sweden, a sample was taken in Klaipeda and a positive result was obtained. The person does not feel any symptoms, ”said R. Lingienė. He noted that 6 contact persons had been identified in this case, 3 in Lithuania and 3 in Sweden.

R. Lingienė reported that on Friday the coronavirus was detected in a patient of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital.

“Today we receive information about the COVID-19 disease diagnosed in a patient of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital. The person was hospitalized in the Santara clinics, (…) belongs to the risk group due to his age, “summarized the NVSC representative.

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