In Lithuania – 1,386 new cases of coronavirus, 11 people died


More than 2,1 thousand patients are treated in hospitals. COVID-19 patients, 153 of whom were in resuscitation

2,133 COVID-19 patients are being treated in hospitals, 153 of them in resuscitation, the Department of Statistics reported Monday.

1134 patients need oxygen, 93 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

Currently, about half of the hospital beds are occupied: 8,449 out of 16,000. 559.

Of the 666 resuscitation beds, just over half were occupied, 391. Of the 618 beds that can be used for artificial lung ventilation, 245 are occupied and of the 6,235 oxygen beds, 2209 are occupied.

Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic for the last day:

Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 1,386

Total number of confirmed human cases: 76,036

Number of deaths from coronavirus the day before:

Total number of deaths from coronavirus: 637

Number of deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 326

Number of people recovered in the last day: 39

Number of people who recovered: 30,449

Number of people with coronavirus: 44,625

Yesterday samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 4582

To date, a total of 1,334,308 samples have been tested for suspected coronaviruses.

A record number of 2,848 coronavirus cases per day were reported on Saturday. A total of 5,067 new cases of coronavirus were reported on Saturday and Sunday, killing 36 people.

The Health Council, which met in the presidency on Sunday, proposes to close non-food stores on weekends, except pharmacies, veterinary, optical and orthopedic, as well as a stricter control of work in companies, teleworking to the extent if possible, including early beginner vacations. , to allow only children whose parents cannot work remotely attend kindergartens, and for older students to study only remotely.
