In Kaunas, the patient’s man pointed a gun at the arriving paramedic: “Do you want me to shoot you now?”


The Kaunas Chamber of the Kaunas District Court announced the verdict in this case on September 30, 2020.

Rytis Adomkevičius, 34, who was previously convicted and administratively punished, was charged with threatening to kill or seriously damage the paramedic’s health, as well as with illegally acquiring and carrying a firearm.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Kaltinamasis teisme

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Kaltinamasis teisme

According to the case, on October 11, 2019, at approximately 8 pm, while drunk, R. Domkevičius pulled a pneumatic pistol from his backpack in an ambulance car (GMP) parked at a public transport stop in Kaunas and the directed the paramedic. AB to the face, saying “I can here to fix you instead”, “Yo poch **, wish to shoot you now”, thus providing a serious basis to believe that the threat could be carried out.

Demanded to go together

The story of what happened was told by the injured paramedic AB, who testified in court and said that a summons had been called that night: a woman had been injured. When they arrived at the scene at one of the Kaunas bus stops, there were already police officers. The injured woman was sitting at the stop with the accused, presented, according to the paramedic, different versions of the incident. A patient who was possibly intoxicated was transported to an ambulance, the defendant was speaking with officers outside at the time.

After a while, according to AB, R. Domkevičius approached the driver of the GMP car, his colleagues and asked if they could go together. The driver told him to wait until the documents were filled out. But the accused did not wait: after opening the ambulance door, he said in a calm tone that he wanted to go to the hospital. AB said he told him to wait, but the defendant didn’t listen, he got in the car, started yelling at AB, said he had all the rights, started threatening.

After AB focused on the documents, R. Domkevičius’s words were heard: “I’ll shoot you.” Looking up, the paramedic saw that the accused was holding a weapon (model PM-651K, 4.5 mm “Baikal” caliber pneumatic pistol). He tried to calm the threatening man, the patient was in hysteria at the time. R.Adomkevičius began insulting AB, threatening to shoot.

Those moments were impacted by AB Kaltinamasis, he said, holding a gun in one hand and loading it with the other. Since AB was very scared, he suddenly jumped out of the ambulance.

R.Adomkevičius started insulting AB, threatening to shoot.

As a result of the defendant’s actions, the paramedic said he experienced severe negative emotions and still feels tension as soon as he sees the young man intoxicated.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Rapid

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Rapido

Opposition officials accused of theft

After jumping out of the car, scared, AB ran towards the police officers at the scene. The latter, who testified in court, said that they had ordered R. Domkevičius to raise his hands above his head, get out of the GMP car and lie on the ground, but he disobeyed. Finally, the police officers used specifications. measures – the defendant was found on the sidewalk.

While in bed, he was working with police officers, intimidating influential acquaintances, and when he found himself in a police officer car, he closed the door and hit his head against the grill. R.Adomkevičius calmed down only when tear gas was sprayed. However, for a short time, transported to the detention center, he continued to swear, accusing the police that they had allegedly stolen 10,000 of them. euros.

At the time of committing the crime, R. Domkevičius was obviously intoxicated, it was set at 2.49 prom. drunkenness.

Make sure after ordering medication

The defendant R. Domkevičius also presented a version of his story. It is true that he refused to testify at trial, claiming that he had already said everything during the pre-trial investigation. He pleaded guilty in part.

The testimonies of R. Domkevičius given above became famous. He said he celebrated his wife’s birthday that day, drank alcohol with his parents together, and took the bus home around 8 p.m. As the bus moved forward, the driver came to an abrupt stop and his unbalanced wife injured her leg.

The defendant admitted that he did not exactly remember all the circumstances of the incident, but recalled that the doctors had asked them to inject his wife with pain relievers, and when the doctors refused to do so, they became nervous and had a fever. He admitted that he could have threatened a pistol that he had legally bought for 113 euros the same morning at a gun store, but had no intention of using it.

The defendant, when declaring, said that he had acquired a shotgun to shoot targets in the garden, assured that he knew the rules of use of this weapon and several other weapons, since he served as a volunteer in the army and was a high-level shooter .

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Kaltinamasis teisme

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Kaltinamasis teisme

Due to his actions, R. Domkevičius regretted, asked to be released from criminal responsibility on bail, assured that his behavior had been provoked by the paramedic himself. He apparently asked her to inject his wife with painkillers, but the doctor sent him, so he was offended. Pointing the gun at the doctor, he allegedly only wanted to intimidate him and force him to inject himself with medication.

During the pre-trial investigation, victim AB filed a civil lawsuit requesting that the defendant be ordered to pay 1,500 euros in non-pecuniary damages. The defendant did not accept the request of this paramedic, because, according to him, it was money laundering. R. Domomevičius named his damage at maximum 50 euros.

Victim AB denied in court that he had offered the defendant to wait rudely.

“The defendant did not ask for a medicine for his wife, he only explained that he had all the rights,” objected AB.

Apologized for carrying a gun

Last September, the Kaunas District Court ruled that R. Domkevičius was guilty of intimidation. Restriction of freedom for one year for residents of Kaunas, assigning obligations: to work 100 free hours within 10 months from the date of entry into force of the sentence in medical care, social service institutions or non-governmental organizations that they serve the elderly. disabled or other needy people, 10 hours a month; within one month of the entry into force of the sentence, begin to participate in the behavior correction program and complete it; R. Domkevičius was prohibited from consuming psychoactive substances throughout his sentence.

The court assessed the non-pecuniary damage suffered by victim AB at 500 euros.

Regarding the second accusation, illegal acquisition and possession of a firearm, R. Domdomevičius was acquitted, by judicial decision, without having committed an act with signs of crime or crime.

The court determined that the non-Category D firearm, a 4.5mm Baikal pneumatic pistol, had been legally acquired and that the law did not require permits or licenses to acquire such a weapon. However, taking into account that R. Domomevičius threatened victim AB with this pistol, while drunk with alcohol, when she was given 2.49 prom at the time of the incident. drunkenness, that is, being almost very drunk, in their actions, according to the judge, may be signs of an administrative offense.

The court assessed the non-pecuniary damage suffered by victim AB at 500 euros.

Article 227.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (ANC) establishes that the carrying of a weapon or ammunition by an intoxicated person (from 1.51 per million to 2.5 per thousand) carries a fine of between 120 and 480 euros.

The Court of Appeal reversed the decision

The Prosecutor’s Office appealed the verdict of the Kaunas Chamber of the Kaunas District Court, requesting that the acquittal for illegal possession of a firearm be reversed, convicted R. Domdomevičius and, consequently, imposed a 45-day detention and confiscation a category D weapon. The complaint draws attention to the fact that it is prohibited to carry weapons other than category D firearms, with the exception of defensive electric discharge devices and gas weapons.

After examining the case on appeal, on January 25 of this year, the Kaunas Regional Court issued a ruling by which the prosecution partially complied with the appeal. It was decided to set aside the part of the judgment of the Kaunas Chamber of the Kaunas District Court whereby R. Domkevičius was acquitted on the second indictment.

The Kaunas Regional Court found R. Domkevičius guilty of illegal possession of a firearm. It was established that the prisoner could not carry a Baikal pneumatic pistol. A minimum legal fine of € 750 has been imposed for this. This fine must be paid within 6 months after the delivery date of the judgment.

The Kaunas Regional Court ruling entered into force on the day of its adoption on January 25.
