In Kaunas, an infection bomb: two Uzbeks, in a hospital, at least ten more colleagues were infected


A threatening situation is in Kaunas: a company has become the focus of the coronavirus. Several of its employees have already been diagnosed with the disease, and dozens of people in contact are being examined. Reliable sources told the portal that the results of the investigation of at least ten employees are currently positive. The study results have not yet been officially confirmed by the National Center for Public Health.

An investigation into the equipment, more specifically part of it, was conducted after two colleagues, long-distance drivers from Uzbekistan, were hospitalized for coronavirus. One of them was taken to the hospital from work. He came to work despite having a fever.

28 long-distance drivers from abroad were found to have high-risk contact with them. Several local staff members who had been in close contact with them were also investigated. “A total of 31 people were examined. The results will be tonight. In the next phase, other employees will be examined in a few weeks. They are currently isolating, ”Orina Ivanauskienė, Chief of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Kaunas Department of the National Center for Public Health, told on Tuesday.

She said freelancers who live in the company’s dorm. Those individuals have been isolated in those rooms since July 9, when the first ill coworker became apparent.

He ignored or concealed the symptoms.

Both confirmed cases are treated as imported. It has already been announced that a man flew to Riga on July 2 along with 23 co-workers.

“Three Latvian buses traveled to Lithuania through the Saločiai border checkpoint. This is an Uzbek citizen. He is a long-distance driver, “said Rolanda Lingienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health, last week.

According to her, said person felt bad on July 3, started having a fever on July 8 and was transferred from the workplace to the hospital. “He ignored or concealed the symptoms,” he added. According to an NVSC spokeswoman, around 50 people were exposed at the time.

The second man also arrived in Lithuania on July 2, but was diagnosed this week.

“It is easy for them [koronaviruso] way, but they are treated in a hospital, “said O. Ivanauskienė.

After arriving at the portal with the information that the research results are already available, the specialist was still unable to comment on them.

“We are aware, telephone information is available, an investigation is being conducted on the fireplace, we are awaiting results.” We organize easy transportation of patients to Abromiškės. They will be isolated there and further treated, with medical attention. The investigation by other employees is still waiting, “said O. Ivanauskienė, who added that he could not comment on what he did not have:” Orally, there is a way, and when you see the aggregated data, it is different. We have to have lists, we have to have everything officially. “

Patients with mild coronavirus or asymptomatic individuals with no place to isolate will be accommodated in Abromiškės, where it has been decided to isolate all such patients with mild COVID-19 in Lithuania.

Kaunas had urgently repaired the old hospital in Kulautuva and adapted it for the treatment of people infected with coronavirus, if all the places in the city’s hospitals were occupied.

Uzbekistan is neither on Lithuania’s banned list nor on the list of those affected by the coronavirus.

The portal knows which employer we are talking about, after receiving the comment from the company, we will complement the publication.
