In fact, a cartridge of false statements from Italy has been applied to Lithuania


“Wow, you and the whole truth about covid – 19,” reads the Facebook post accompanying the footage. Thanks to various Facebook users, the post was viewed by around 170,000. times, the material was shared by more than 6 thousand. together.

15min photo / Misleading video on social network

15min photo / Misleading video on social network

The video shows Roberto Petrella, a 73-year-old retired gynecologist from Italy. The medical community of the Italian province of Teramo 2019 expelled Petrell from its ranks for a man’s campaign against vaccinating girls against the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Without providing any evidence, Petrella tells the “true” meaning of the name COVID-19, unsubstantiated information about coronavirus testing and a vaccine against the disease that has yet to be developed. The video distributed in Lithuania traveled all over the world.

“Identification certificate”

Petrella claims that the name of the disease that caused the pandemic, COVID-19, encodes a completely different message than is generally thought. The man does not provide evidence.

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15min photo / How to strengthen immunity to information?

“Covid-19 is a vaccination identification certificate with artificial intelligence. The number “19” is the year everything was created, “says the former gynecologist in the video.

Such a term in English (ang. Vaccination identification certificate), the first letters form ‘COVID’. However, such a history of the name of the disease is not true, but misleading information about the disease. was announced in april.

In fact, the name “COVID” means “coronavirus disease” (ang. Coronavirus disease). The number “19” indicates the number of years the disease was detected: 2019. The official name of the disease was given by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February of this year..

Petrella is correct in saying that “COVID-19 is not the name of a virus.” Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is called SARS-CoV-2. The name was given to the virus by the International Council on Taxonomy of Viruses in February (ang. International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses).

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SARS-CoV-2 is an abbreviation of the English words, which in Lithuanian would sound like “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”.

The second virus is named because its closest genus in the coronavirus group is from 2003 to 2005. causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Depopulation program

Petrella continues the monologue with statements about COVID-19 vaccination as part of a population reduction program. This conspiracy theory has accompanied the pandemic since its inception, we wrote about it in February..

It is true that at that time the supposed population reduction tool was a virus, but without confirmation of the information about 15 percent. mortality, the narrative has been rotated so that “depopulation” is said to take place with the help of vaccines.

The gynecologist explains that “the virus is reactivated by an immune base weakened by previous vaccines.” This is not true either.

Video describing Chile fact checkers contacted Alejandro Valasquez, an infectious disease specialist at Hospital Roberto del Río.

According to him, the inactive virus remains in the human body and is reactivated only if the virus leaves its genetic information in the cells. These are so-called DNA viruses, such as the herpes virus. At that time, SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA-type virus.

Unreliable tests

According to Petrell, no coronavirus can be detected by any test, and COVID-19 tests detect viruses that normally live in humans.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Coronavirus test in Belarus

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Coronavirus test in Belarus

We wrote about the different tests used to detect coronavirus in March. Then the president of the Lithuanian Society of Immunologists, dr. (HP) Audronė Eidukaitė said that the sensitivity of the tests ranges from 62 to 95.7 percent, the specificity from 86.3 to 99.9 percent.

According to Harvard Medical School, an average of 5 percent. all tests may be false positives (ang. false positive) when the test is positive even though the virus is not present in the body. Far from the 90 percent mentioned by R. Petrello in the speech.

Men refer to “parts of the virus” that are detected by tests, that is, molecular tests that look for the genetic material of a particular virus in the body.

All the thoughts expressed by the man are intended to corroborate the opinion that it is necessary to avoid mandatory mass vaccination against COVID-19. However, no coronavirus vaccines have been developed. Neither the European Union (EU) nor the Lithuanian authorities have declared that a vaccination program is mandatory.

Photo of 15min / Latest myths about COVID-19

Photo of 15min / Latest myths about COVID-19

Reliable sources

Representatives of the information space monitoring institutions and SAM advise not to use social networks as the only source of information and to be especially skeptical about any information published in the comments.

It encourages the selection of data from official institutions, reliable media and the monitoring of the origin of the information. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has sparked a wave of misleading information, sometimes deliberately promoted by foreign countries.

Official information on COVID-19 is provided by Ministry of Health (SAM), Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC), World Health Organization (WHO), National Center for Public Health, European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

The post was prepared in 15 minutes. in collaboration with Facebook a program to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
