in companies: vaccination rooms, employees would form collective immunities


According to the professor, to accelerate the development of herd immunity, it would be possible to choose a mixed method of mass vaccination: vaccinate all who want, as well as employees of smaller or larger companies, thus creating “small islands of security “where immunity could exceed 90%. people.

He proposed the possibility of forming small collective immunities

As of May 10, it is planned to allow vaccination for people aged 55 and over, from May 17, for people aged 45 and over, and from May 24, for people aged 35 and over. And as of May 31, all people over the age of 16 who want to get vaccinated will start doing so, Minister Arūnas Dulkys announced on Thursday.

When evaluating this step, Professor V.Usonis from the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine stated that it was possible to do it earlier, but was glad that we are finally moving on to the next stage of vaccination.

“We always want to get there earlier, faster, especially when it comes to disease control. But it is as it is. What is presented today is already a good step. We are moving to a new stage ”, said the professor on the” Radio News “program” Question of the day “on Thursday.

According to him, if before we talked about the goal of vaccinating the most vulnerable groups in society as soon as possible, establishing and preparing vaccination points, ensuring a constant supply of vaccines, now we should talk about a new goal: vaccinate 60-70%. people.

V.Usonis pointed out that this goal can be achieved in two ways.

“There are two ways to go here: we can vaccinate the whole society and wait until we are all vaccinated, we will find opportunities to get vaccinated. The other way is mixed: vaccinate those people who have the opportunity to get vaccinated today, and combine this with the vaccination aimed at smaller groups, with the same goal of creating public immunity.

Those numbers, whether it’s 50, 100, or 200 (companies with employees – past aut.) it may not be that important. The point is that we can achieve public immunity on a national scale, but at the same time we can achieve that public immunity very quickly on a small team scale, ”explained a professor from the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine.

V.Usonis presented an example of the formation of small herd immunities. A company with several dozen, one hundred or more employees could be vaccinated at the same time that mass vaccination begins, and in this way a small team would have already achieved more than 90 percent. seeking herd immunity.

“This is how we can make such a small island of security. After all, that group does not live on the Moon, it will contribute to the formation of the collective immunity of the entire country, but at the same time, that group will be able to open up to its activities normal faster, ”said the teacher.

He pointed out that special vaccination rooms could be installed in those herd immunity establishments. Companies could take over all the necessary infrastructure themselves, with lists of employees who want to get vaccinated and the state with vaccinations.

“Really business people, from what I have been able to communicate, are prepared for that. They would also compile lists of people who need to be vaccinated and set up a vaccination room. If relevant, maybe even pay for additional work for doctors, for work at a time that suits them, ”commented V.Usonis.

Did the minister promise not to vaccinate Vilnius again?

Speaking about the challenges of mass vaccination, Skirmantas Mockevičius, Chairman of the Health Committee of the Association of Lithuanian Municipalities, Jurbarkas Municipality, emphasized that municipal communication will play a key role in inviting people to promote.

“The main challenge is how to ensure that the vaccine does not accumulate and get vaccinated. As the Minister rightly said, what teachers, doctors, infectologists also communicate – every day is expensive. The more we go through, the more mutations will follow us and we will overcome the problems of our inability to vaccinate a sufficient population in time.

(…) The greatest need is to prepare those outpatient clinics that vaccinate and attract a large number of the population. It is necessary to communicate very clearly what options are available to register for the vaccine, both electronically and by phone in 1808, so that people can truly choose the vaccine without fear or delay the next day.

When it is said that on that day people of that age group are invited to take care of them responsibly, to be vaccinated and of course not to leave space for other groups later on. Lithuanians like to postpone everything to the next day. I am very hopeful that this will not happen, “said S. Mockevičius on” Žinių radio “.

The mayor of the municipality of Jurbarkas, who spoke with the Minister of Health A. Dulkis at the meeting this Thursday about the start of mass vaccination together with all the mayors of the country, said after hearing from the ministry that the situation when it is carried out an additional shipment of vaccines that were delivered to Vilnius would not happen again.

“Inside, we are only cooperating, not fighting. But we expressed that resentment and received the assurance from the ministry that there would really be no such thing, because they had altered the prevailing order. (…) We agreed that we understood why it was like that, but that it would not happen again and it would not deepen the problem.

It should be noted that this is a regrettable issue, as Vilnius has strayed a bit from its priorities. If we invite more than 55 people as of Monday, most of them have already been vaccinated in Vilnius. So the question is, should Vilnius wait for others to catch up or go further?

However, I think that if that has already happened, Vilnius should continue to be vaccinated, because we are already carrying it out, all Lithuanians are equally important to everyone, and if that has already happened, Vilnius should probably not stop vaccination or take it to out. Everyone would know this is happening and there is no secret here.

But as far as possible, Lithuania should follow its priorities as evenly as possible, so that everyone really knows and it is no wonder why 18-year-olds are invited in some places, and in others only from the May 31st ”, S. Monkevičius is convinced.
