In case of misunderstandings – SAM explanation: who decides the child’s vaccination


Rationale – Paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law on Patients’ Rights and Compensation for Damage to Health of the Republic of Lithuania:

Article 14. Prohibition of the provision of health care without the consent of the patient.

2. Medical care will be provided to a patient under the age of 16 only with the consent of their representatives, except in the case of emergency medical care. Health professionals must in any case choose the diagnostic and treatment methods that most favor the minor, taking into account in particular the wishes of the minor and their representatives. In case of disagreement between the patient under 16 years of age and their representatives, the methods of diagnosis and treatment will be chosen by the medical council, taking into account the best interest of the minor.

Community vaccine against coronavirus initiated by Pfizer and BioNTech in Lithuania to be vaccinated in children 12-15 years from Monday, announced the Ministry of Health (SAM)

“In order to protect the health of children and reduce the circulation of the virus in the population, Lithuania is starting the vaccination of children from the age of 12,” SAM Chancellor Jurgita Grebenkovienė announced on Monday.

According to her, adolescents can register for the vaccine from Monday: they can do it themselves or their family members can register it.

“The child must come to the vaccination center with one of the parents or guardians, this means the consent of the parents to vaccinate the child,” said the SAM Chancellor.

According to the ministry, COVID-19 is about 4 percent of patients in this age group. Teens are encouraged to get vaccinated as this is crucial for students to be able to safely return to school in the fall.

Indrė Plėštytė-Būtienė, a pediatrician and pediatric allergist, told the press conference that she was happy that the teens were finally able to get vaccinated.

“It just came to our notice then. The prevailing opinion is that children have almost no COVID-19 infection, but I would say let’s change this sentence: children get covidin infection, they only get sick less often and from another. way, but they still get sick. That’s why we must protect our children, “he said.

“I will definitely advise everyone to get vaccinated and I will vaccinate the children myself, because the health of my children and the health of my patients is really important,” said the doctor.

According to I. Plėštytė-Būtienė, the vaccination of adolescents is important both because they can return to school and to be able to form a mass immunity.

“Without children, reach 70 percent. immunization, stopping disease, preventing mutations is almost impossible, “he said.

According to the doctor, the effectiveness of the vaccine in adolescents is currently almost 100 percent. He urged people not to be afraid of the myths about the side effects that the vaccine can supposedly have on teenagers, and not to forget that the coronavirus can have very real and serious consequences for them.

So far, all residents over the age of 16 have been able to get vaccinated in Lithuania.

According to the minister’s chancellor, about 70 percent of adolescents, like other age groups of the population, are expected to be vaccinated.

Children from the age of twelve are already vaccinated in Italy, Germany and other countries.

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