In a corruption investigation, STT arrested and released S. Kac, the owner of Tete-A-Tete


Samoilas Kacas. Photo by Julius Kalinskas (15min)

Samoil Kac, owner of the gaming company and laymen Tete-A-Tete, was released yesterday Friday by the Special Investigation Service (STT).

Update the same text.

The non-custodial preventive measure for the alleged is a violent attempt to refrain from communicating with certain people, said BNS Gintar Vitkauskait-atkauskien, representative of the prosecutor’s office.

Complaints were made to S. Kacu about bribery and the impact of the trade in the course of an investigation into the possible delay in the adoption of unfavorable legislation for the sector, which may have been offered to the member of the Seimas Matas Maldeikis.

The businessman, who was arrested on Thursday, owner of Tete-A-Tete, is also one of the heads of the National Association of Loim Business and Games.

According to STT representative Renata Kebliens, she was presented with allegations of bribery and commercial effects.

S. Kacas was detained during an investigation into the alleged rescue of Seimas member Mattas Maldeikis. According to the investigation, Kstutis Motieius, assistant to another member of the Seimas Mindaugas Puidokas, offered 50,000 euros.

It is believed that it was suggested that M. Maldeikis supports and influences other members of the Seimas in order to suspend or indefinitely postpone the draft amendment to the Law on Lottery Tax and Loim.

K. Motieius was released on Thursday after questioning.

Released after questioning, he testified that the detention of the detention center does not take place and does not communicate with certain people, says R. Keblien.

After STT’s father searched his office at Seimas, M. Puidokas complained that the agent would suffer violence. The STT has launched an internal investigation into the incident, but says it should have been coerced because the MP disobeyed legal demands to hand over mobile phones.

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