Important for drivers: it is better to avoid this section of the road from Monday


More and more every year.

Kėdainiai Cannery Factory successfully sells its products not only in Lithuania. The neighboring and even distant foreign markets are open to the company’s products, which stand out for their high quality and naturalness, which is why sales indicators are constantly growing by several percent each year.

“We export a large part of the products from the Kėdainiai cannery. It is the export of pickles that increases between 10 and 15% each year, – the director of the factory A. Viazovskis shared the facts. – This year’s cucumber canning season is extraordinary, as the global pandemic COVID-19 has created some new rules for cucumber growers: restricted labor movements, some countries still have border controls or do not have workers in some sectors, and producers have to create specific jobs. conditions in accordance with preventive measures to prevent the spread of the virus. This can affect both the quantity and the price of cucumbers grown this year, however we are confident that we will get as many vegetables as planned.

This year we are launching a pilot project with the Hesburger network. We will make almost 100 tons of pickled cucumbers for them.

Furthermore, the less warm weather in the first half of May-June also affected the cucumber harvest. The farmers planted the seedlings a little later, so we got the cucumbers a little later and also started their canning season at the factory this year. We plan to start right after St. John’s Day, but the work continued for a week. We expect the cucumber harvest to be better in the second half of July. “

Canning cucumber works at the Kėdainiai cannery, which is done only once a year, usually taking about a month and a half.

“The length of the canning season depends on how much raw material and when it is on the market, when prices are the most favorable, so that we can buy cucumbers and offer the products to consumers at a competitive price,” explains A. Viazovskis .

Offer: “Consumers have a different flavor: some like smaller cucumbers, others like bigger cucumbers, some more acidic, others marinated in oak leaves. The latest cucumbers are especially popular both in Lithuania and in foreign markets, “says A. Viazovskis.

The first harvest is of high quality.

The factory manager appreciates the company’s first cucumber harvest. “The first raw material is usually quite good and corresponds to the caliber we need,” concludes the interlocutor. – The main production of our pickled and pickled cucumbers is made from cucumbers 3-6 or 6-9 cm long. So this year, the raw material is high quality, elastic enough and retains its excellent shape after boiling. “

Use cucumbers grown outdoors

Many of us are used to believing cucumbers ripen in hot greenhouses, but the Kėdainiai cannery, which has particularly high requirements for raw materials, only uses cucumbers that are grown outdoors for production.

“Greenhouse cucumbers are softer, may have this property, and can be preserved after a long time, and it is important to us that pickled and pickled cucumbers be crisp. When the cucumber naturally receives rain, heat and does not grow in conditions artificial, characterized by its hardness and firmness, which is why our factory chooses the raw material grown abroad, explains A.Viazovskis.We buy cucumbers only from reliable partners with whom we have long-term contracts and we are convinced of the quality of the raw material they grow. This year we bought cucumbers from Lithuanian, German and Polish producers. “

Between tradition and gourmet flavors.

The Kėdainiai cannery started its activity with traditional products: pickles and cabbage. Finally, with the modernization of production technologies, pickles were also pickled.

The factory currently supplies a wide range of pickles: crispy cucumbers of various sizes, lightly salted, in a weakly acidic marinade, with dill, oak leaves and a variety of other spice ingredients.

“Consumers have a different taste: some like smaller cucumbers, others like larger cucumbers, some more acidic, others pickled with oak leaves. The latest cucumbers are especially popular both in Lithuania and in foreign markets. Therefore, we have different tastes and we are proud to use only natural marinades in our production. The aim of our company is to create delicious products: from natural products and without preservatives, “emphasizes A. Viazovskis.

What cucumbers do employees choose?

One of the most important components of the successful development and growth of the Kėdainiai cannery is the long-term loyal employees who take care of your table every day with only the highest quality products through professional and diligent work.

For Rita Skorupskienė, the master of the K tallerdainiai cannery production workshop, this cucumber canning season is already 22.

“I have been working at the K endainiai cannery for 22 years. With the start of the cucumber canning season, the scope of work really jumps. The season is intense every year, so we ignore it – smiles Rita, who has accumulated two decades of experience in the company. “It is true that now it is much easier to work because it is increasingly automated.”

“And which cucumbers from the Kėdainiai cannery are the most delicious for you, Rita?” Exclaims the experienced master.

“I had the most delicious ‘Kėdainiai’ pickles,” the interviewee smiles and reveals that cucumbers also ripen in her family’s greenhouse. Simply what a surprise! – These products are not marinated by her, but by her husband.

Viktoras Stašauskas, who has been working in the factory for five years and acting as deputy master of the production workshop, smiles because, unlike his neighbor, he does not marinate cucumbers at home, but instead chooses to try the products made in the cannery Kėdainiai. The interviewee’s favorites are classic pickles.

Victor says that the first few days of the cucumber canning season are the most difficult at the factory.

“Because we keep for a few weeks only once a year, it takes a couple of days to work and go in, but then the work melts into the melt and the jars fill by the thousands,” says the interlocutor, briefly revealing the way. cucumber before arriving. a jar from the Kėdainiai cannery decorated with a beautiful label. – First, the cucumbers are washed, then classified: they are removed by peeling or rotting, then the cucumbers are peeled with boiling water, then the raw material travels to the dispenser, which pours the cucumbers into jars already supplemented with the necessary spices. Then check the weight of the jars, pour the marinade, close the lid, stick the label, and the product is ready to travel on your table. “

A real Kėdainiai: cucumbers are suitable for everything

Nijolė Steponienė, who has worked as a packaging apprentice at the factory for many years, laughs that it is probably most of Kėdainiai, because cucumbers, green, pickled or pickled, are a necessary condiment for almost all dishes. .

“I enjoy all the cucumbers produced at the Kėdainiai cannery without exception. As I live in the field, I grow a large garden, a greenhouse, and not only as cucumbers made in our factory, but also canned. I ferment cucumbers in the same way that my grandmother and my mother did, ”shares Nijolė.

Reda Bružauskienė, a cook production worker who has worked at Knedainiai Cannery for seventeen years, is proud of her strong professional experience at this company. The interlocutor also emphasizes that staying still is never the case: with the constant modernization of the work process, it is necessary to learn and keep up with innovation. It just delights Red.

Kėdainiai reveals that she lives in the city and does not do gardening in her spare time, therefore cucumbers made at the Kėdainiai cannery are always on her family’s table.

“When I run out, I always buy the products from our factory in the store, it is the most delicious thing for me.” Also, I know how well and carefully we produce it. We share the most delicious pickled cucumbers from the Kėdainiai cannery with oak leaves, and she is in a hurry to make another lover of these cucumbers: Elena Rukuižienė, who has been working as an operator at the factory for five years. “When I started working in the factory, we put the cucumbers in the jars by hand, and now the canning process is much faster and easier, because the cucumbers are placed in the jars using an automatic dispenser; we just have to fill the jars if required”.

Cross the Atlantic

Canned cucumbers in Kėdainiai are loved not only by the people of Kėdainiai and residents across the country, these products are especially in demand in countries where large communities of Lithuanian emigrants have gathered. By trying products prepared in their homeland, their compatriots feel at least a moment when they have returned to their homeland.

“We notice that our products are very popular and bought by compatriots living abroad: in Great Britain, Norway, the United States. These are the so-called ethnic markets, says A. Viazovskis.” The further away, the more the flavor of our products. It is recognized and appreciated by nearby countries: Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Sweden. “

The Kėdainiai Cannery Factory team can be proud of its rich collection of national and international awards: cucumber products created by the company receive the Product of the Year medals from Lithuania almost every year.

“Almost every year we win prizes with one or another product in the cucumber category. In Lithuania, we are the only real manufacturers developing the product from raw material to final delivery on the shelf to consumers,” says the director of the Company – Pickled cucumbers, which have also become the main accent of the company’s brand logo, have always been our business card, with which we move forward and expand, we are happy to be recognized.

A promising partnership

This year, Kėdainiai Cannery took the first steps of cooperation with one of the most popular fast food chains in Europe, Hesburger.

“This year we are launching a pilot project with the Hesburger network. We will make almost 100 tons of pickled cucumbers for them. This is a test batch that is administered for a month, depending on the amount of this output consumed by the network. After From consumer evaluation and tasting, I think we can establish long-term cooperation with the Hesburger network.

The fact that a large and well-known player in the restaurant business wants to work with us, trusts our competition and the quality of the products, demonstrates that Kėdainiai Cannery is strong in opening up even broader opportunities.

The cooperation with Hesburger ensures that if we have managed to implement quality and its requirements and we can safely say that other companies in the restaurant and cafeteria sector are also on their way with us, ”concludes A. Viazovskis, General Manager of Kėdainiai Cannery.
