If a member of the Seimas falls ill, a large-scale epidemiological study awaits him: who needs to be isolated now?


Simulikas reported the confirmed coronavirus infection on Facebook on Saturday.

V. Simulikas participated in the session of the Seimas on Tuesday, Wednesday, in the session of the Human Rights Committee of the Seimas. During the meeting, the parliamentarian used a medical mask, but in an irregular way: the mask did not cover the nose.

According to the representative of the Minister of Health A. Veryga Lina Bušinskaitė, the specialists of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) have not yet initiated an epidemiological investigation into the case of the member of the Seimas V. Simulikas. It will start on Sunday morning.

A member of the Seimas announced that his test result was positive tonight. Therefore, this information did not reach the NVSC immediately.

“Given that a member of the Seimas writes in his social account that he had minor symptoms similar to a cold, epidemiologists urge all people who had contact with the patient to isolate themselves until the NVSC specialists contact them. Of course, it is also possible to contact the specialists of the 1808 hotline for a consultation, to register for the examination 3-5 days after contact with the sick person.

It looks like it will be a large-scale epidemiological study with many contacts. Therefore, the experts ask for the understanding, patience and, most importantly, the cooperation of all contact persons ”, writes L. Bušinskaitė in the comment posted 15 minutes ago.

According to her, this is also an important message for those who participated in the Seimas session on Tuesday.

“If you had direct contact with a member of the Seimas who was diagnosed with a coronavirus tonight, eg shake hands, sit next to him, communicate for more than 15 minutes, be in the same office, meeting, etc., without waiting for the NVSC specialists to call you and until the test is over, isolate yourself for safety. We emphasize that it is not necessary to isolate the entire Seimas. Only for those who had close contact: they sat next to the Seimas in the hallway, office, communicated for at least 15 minutes.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Lina Bušinskaitė-Šriubienė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Lina Bušinskaitė-Šriubienė

We also ask other people, who are not members of the Seimas, if you have contacted him this week, to isolate themselves and consult with specialists about future actions. All of this is necessary to control the further spread of the virus, “the spokeswoman said.

According to her, the Minister of Health, Chief of Operations, Aurelijus Veryga, had no contact with V. Simulikas this week. They went through the corridors. So the minister does not need to isolate himself.

How to behave before contacting NVSC specialists

It is now particularly important to act responsibly with oneself and with others as the particularly high workload for epidemiologists delays the epidemiological diagnosis of people who test positive for coronavirus infection.

The NVSC calls for the immediate isolation of individuals who suspect they have had a high-risk exposure to a person with a COVID-19 case.

The NVSC encourages people infected with the coronavirus infection to inform those at high risk so that they can isolate themselves and inform the NVSC, rather than waiting for a call from professionals.

How to behave when I am sick?

  1. Isolate.
  2. Inform high-risk individuals to isolate themselves and complete the NVSC questionnaire, waiting for NVSC specialists to call in isolation.
  3. Consult your family doctor, listen to his instructions.
  4. When you contact an NVSC specialist, please provide the information requested by them. Don’t get mad at a professional if you don’t apply the same day or even the next day.

How to deal with an exposed person?

The person exposed is 3 days before the person who has already been confirmed to have coronavirus develops symptoms and the person who has been in contact for two weeks after the onset of symptoms. At the time of contact with a patient who did not have characteristic symptoms of COVID-19, the person who was exposed was considered to have been in contact for 72 hours. before taking a smear from a patient who tested positive and 14 days after taking a smear.

A person at high risk (close contact with COVID-19) is considered a person who:

  • communicated with the infected person at a distance of less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes, or a person who had direct physical contact;
  • if the person has been in direct contact without protective measures with body fluids contaminated in the COVID-19 kit;
  • stay in a confined space with a person with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes.

A person who has been in contact with an infected coronavirus for more than 15 minutes at a distance of more than 2 meters is considered to have a low risk of exposure.

The memory of the person who had the contact can be found here.
