I tried to get a job as a food hauler, but couldn’t find a place – there were hundreds waiting in line.


“I have completed a food export request for both Bolt and Wolt. I have not received any response from Bolt for two weeks, and the response came from Wolt that the team is currently full, thank you very much for your interest in the place , we will contact you for additional training and actions, ”says Kaunas, a resident.

He says he wanted to find out what the situation really was – he looked for phone numbers to call, but couldn’t find any.

“Email administrators, especially Wolt, respond very quickly and give me a really comprehensive response. But I didn’t get any suggestions to come, speak or fill out documents, handle a contract, or anything else. It wasn’t, “the man said.

He claims to have noticed that there are actually a lot of people working in the fields, with couriers transporting packages not only by bicycle or scooter, but also by car.

I tried to get a job as a food hauler, but couldn't find a place - there were hundreds waiting in line.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“I asked those people with bags how and who. They say it is profitable, you can make money, but you have to work hard. Kaunas Laisvės Alley is full of people like that, ”said the man.

He assures that he has considered employment as a carrier, but the fear of a pandemic stops him, he can try when he receives the vaccine.

Both platforms recognize that messengers are plentiful and don’t always require extra hands.

Wolt has 2,500 couriers and 8,000 questionnaires in five cities

Since 2017, Wolt has been operating in Vilnius, and currently this platform operates in five cities.

“Currently, Wolt in Lithuania cooperates with more than 2,500 wonderful people who have joined the community of couriers and partners,” says Liis Ristal, Wolt’s director for the Baltic countries.

He ensures that the young company continues to grow and the number of courier partners in all cities where services are provided is expected to grow in the future.

“We will do our best to offer a flexible business model to more people. But of course it all depends on market needs, demand and other factors. It is important to understand that we want to keep the competitive revenues of the courier partners, therefore, the participation of new courier partners depends on the need for our service ”, explains the manager.

Wolt is increasing the number of couriers as demand for services grows. The comments of customers, restaurants, cafes, as well as the stores that use the services are also valued.



“Anyone who wants to become a courier-partner can fill out a form, which immediately sends them information on the current situation and possible next steps. For example, if we are currently unable to offer to join the messenger-partner community, we would like to thank the person for sending the questionnaire and we inform ourselves that we will contact you in the future when we have that opportunity ”, says L. Ristal.

Couriers decide their own working hours, and according to a Wolt representative, this business model appeals to them and does not impose strict educational or other requirements.

“All you need is a residence and work permit, and if the courier partners intend to drive a car, and a valid driver’s license. We currently have nearly eight thousand questionnaires filled out by those who want to become partners of messaging ”, says L. Ristal.

Bolt Food: the queue consists of 100-200 people

Ruslan Savičius, director of food delivery development for Bolt Food in the Baltic countries, says those who want to become couriers are lining up.

“Our goal is to ensure that couriers operating independently with the Bolt Food app have a sufficient number of orders and can receive sufficient revenue. We review the need for new couriers on a weekly basis and this is a dynamic process across cities – one week it may require a hundred new couriers, depending on demand, and another 10. The number of people who want to become couriers in the last year is 100 to 200 people, but how this line “moves” depends on the city, the time of the year and, of course, the number of orders, “explains R. Savičius.

It ensures that all candidates have the same opportunities: first, those who have previously completed the registration form are invited to cooperate.

“We are pleased that the number of people willing to do business with Bolt Food is growing. In cities where there is currently no need for more couriers, we invite you to join the ranks of Bolt transporters,” says R. Savičius.

I tried to get a job as a food hauler, but couldn't find a place - there were hundreds waiting in line.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He assures that the company has been providing food delivery services in Lithuania for a year and a half.

“During this time, we have expanded tenfold and noted the seasonality of demand: the service is more popular in the cold season, and as the weather warms, residents are less likely to order food at home. Therefore, the need for couriers in the warm season is less, ”says R. Savičius.

What profits do the platforms promise to the messengers?

Representatives of the two interviewed panels point to the significantly different hourly rates that couriers can expect. It is true that the couriers themselves specify much smaller sizes.

“Because the associated couriers are free to decide how long they work, if they choose to join that day, it means that the average hourly income is better reflected in the income from such activities, Wolt is paid for as long as the partner The messenger it is ready, delivers the orders. Currently they are around € 9 with an hourly rate. Our goal is to keep it highly competitive so that the associated couriers receive a stable income after deducting the mandatory taxes “, says L. Ristal, representative of Wolt.

And a representative from Bolt Food indicates the range.

I tried to get a job as a food hauler, but couldn't find a place - there were hundreds waiting in line.

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“Couriers who work with the Bolt Food app can earn between $ 5 and $ 15 an hour before taxes. Couriers operate independently, so the income depends on how long and at what time of day you choose to provide the service.” , says R. Savičius.

Vuc Vukotic, the head of the courier association, ensures that the couriers are currently reporting the previous year’s income and are actively calculating their incurred expenses and received income.

“We think we have fairly accurate real averages for a (fairly successful and stable) messenger,” says V. Vukotic.

JIs claims that Bolt Food, when working with his own car, after taxes, fuel, maintenance, insurance, courier costs around 5 EUR per hour, and Wolt, who works in Vilnius and Kaunas with his own car after taxes, fuel or repair costs approximately 6.3 euros per hour. According to him, the bike can earn Wolt between 4.3 and 5 euros an hour after taxes and repair costs.

These costs do not include additional costs such as parking costs, fines, which unfortunately sometimes have to be paid urgently. In our opinion, Bolt is astute and unfair in providing figures like 15 Eur / hour. To our knowledge, in the best hours, a courier with a car does not earn more than 10-12 EUR / hour, but he must observe the real weekly average, and not just the few busiest peak hours, ”says V. Vukotic.

According to data from the State Tax Inspection (STI), last year 9.3 thousand people were engaged in courier and courier activities, followed by the transport of food through various platforms. This number is more than double that of a year ago, in 2019. This activity was carried out by 4 thousand. population that declared 5.5 million. Tax base EUR and 0.283 million EUR. EUR GPM. On average, a person then had € 1,375 in income and € 71.5 in taxes.

Wolt promises to expand to other shipments

Wolt’s focus is not just on food deliveries, but other shipments as well.

“In addition to the natural growth we expect, we are expanding into retail and food delivery, which will likely also contribute to the growing demand for the service. Our vision is to deliver everything they may need to the customer’s doorstep. in half an hour. For example, we can use the application to order flowers, electronics, cosmetics or groceries. In this way, we can also contribute to the commercial success of several smaller stores, bakeries and other stores “, says L. Ristal.

According to her, the fact that people in Lithuania increasingly use goods delivery is a clear trend. Residents save time by not having to go to the store or queue.

“It just came to our knowledge then. However, we have no doubt that the new expectations and habits of the population will be maintained in the future, which will continue to contribute to the growth of our activities,” says L. Ristal.

I tried to get a job as a food hauler, but couldn't find a place - there were hundreds waiting in line.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

It will also become a new way to join the messengers.

“According to the results of our quarterly courier-partner surveys, they are more motivated to join by the proposed model of business freedom. Partner couriers are free to decide when, how much and where to deliver, they are free to choose the vehicle they want for the delivery of the order, etc., but their income remains competitive. As a company, we also set high standards so that our courier-partners are satisfied with their activities, “says L. Ristal.

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