I.Šimonytė’s response to N.Vasiliauskaitė: We cannot guarantee you complete “freedom to get sick”


“The right to health, security, life and death belongs to us, the citizens, the people. No to the government. We will get sick. And if we are scared that we will die, we will die ourselves as free people. We don’t need you to protect us from ourselves and help us get sick and die, “at a rally in the Plaza de la Catedral. N. Vasiliauskaitė spoke from the stage.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Nida Vasiliauskaitė

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Nida Vasiliauskaitė

On Friday, the Prime Minister responded to these words on her Facebook account: “Captivate” if they were necessary to prevent the marshmallow flakes from turning. Because the Constitution, Hippocrates and other matters. Therefore, we cannot guarantee you complete “freedom to get sick.” And you know it perfectly, so here you have that feat and you share it. Therefore, this is not an honest statement. “

I. Šimonytė further stated in his recording that he does not guarantee the availability of other health services if doctors have to rescue large numbers of people infected with coronavirus again.

Furthermore, we cannot turn to the second and ensure the availability of other health services if needed by women and their like-minded people, when the beds, doctors and equipment are further away, the more they will serve. covet for treatment, ”writes I.Šimonytė.

The Prime Minister continued to urge me not to get vaccinated and not to experiment with acquiring immunity from persecution, as this could simply result in death: And the experiments in which “let’s get sick, get natural immunity” for relatively young people ended badly, for there, very unfortunate, but I have more than I would like. Because and one is too much. Get vaccinated and be careful. And thanks to everyone who not only did it themselves, but also advised others to do it. To be like that in Denmark. “

At the rally, N. Vasiliauskaitė named several requirements for the government: abolish the use of the passport of opportunity and restrictions related to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, which will come into effect on September 13.

VIDEO: Thousands of people gathered at Friday’s rally near the Cathedral: there were calls for the government to resign

According to her, the government did not even have the right to propose her presentation: “Offering is a crime.”

The philosopher also called for the cancellation of the “campaign” of contempt, propaganda, lies and harassment, not to force people to get vaccinated and not to force them to undergo tests. According to N. Vasiliauskaitė, the government should not deal with the management of the pandemic.
