I. Šimonytė takes the initiative to form a coalition


Conservative Prime Minister candidate Ingrida Šimonytė announced on Sunday night that she was taking the initiative to form a ruling coalition with two liberal parties, and that becoming the head of government would change the model for managing the coronavirus pandemic.

“So far, it seems that it will have more than half of the votes,” said I. Šimonytė about the possible alliance of the National Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) with the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party.

I. Šimonytė said that one of his first jobs would be to change the way the pandemic is managed so that there is more transparency in it.

“First of all, it is probably necessary to change the way of management itself, in our opinion, and we have said that many times, in the first place, it must be very clear who talks to whom, what and how decisions are made. “What we lack most today is transparency and clarity, who advises, or still advises, why the Government chooses one or another council and whose word is decisive in this situation,” said I. Šimonytė.

What we lack most today is transparency and clarity about who advises, or even advises, why the Government chooses one or the other council and whose word is decisive in this situation.

However, on election night he refused to detail possible quarantine decisions and stressed the need to consult with specialists.

I. Šimonytė says that the Freedom Party’s aspirations to legalize same-sex couples and decriminalize soft drugs would not be included in the joint program due to different party regulations, but an attempt would be made to find a “different format to the government program “.

Social Democrats will speak of support

TS-LKD Chairman Gabriel Landsberg said he did not see the need to join other parties in the coalition, but promised to speak to opposition Social Democrats about their proposals in exchange for support on some issues.

“Speaking, I really see the need, the opportunity, and I do not rule out that we will do so by including in the program the work of those parties that may not shape the Government, if they are compatible, with the same Social Democratic Party that we opposed and often defended. very similar principles and values, ”he said.

“I would hope that there would be compatibility, if there was such interest, from your party and I would also expect support for a job that is acceptable to them: we will talk about important jobs in the field of education or work in the field of health,” he said.

Landsberg also said that he believed that the success of the Conservatives could be due to the strategy chosen by the ruling “peasants” to urge “a vote against the Conservatives, Landsberg, the Freedom Party.”

“Our position was different: we encouraged ourselves to vote, they did not criticize us, we did not answer the accusations imposed, we emphasized our advantages, how we understood them, how we expected the voter to understand us, we want to reach the second-round voter (…), that is, the Social Democratic “Labor Parties”, said G. Landsbergis.

Nominations of ministers

Ingrida Šimonytė, the leader of the Conservative Party list that won the Seimas elections, hopes that all the candidacies that she will possibly present to President Gitan Nausėda will not raise questions for the latter.

“I am inclined to listen to various opinions, including the President of the Republic. But it seems to me that the procedures for forming a government are such that the primary responsibility rests with those who nominate. It is courteous and ethical to discuss and agree, but I hope that we can propose candidates who do not pose important questions to the president, ”I. Šimonytė told LRT television on Sunday night.

I. Šimonytė could not say what specific number of ministries Conservatives could request.

“There is no calculation that some ministries should keep to themselves. Why keep yourself? Because you have some kind of ministry? It seems to me that we have to talk about the work that needs to be done and then decide which person proposed by the party would be better able to do that job, “said the leader of the conservative list.

When the results of the second round of the Seimas elections became clear, the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (TS-LKD) announced that it was taking the initiative to form a governing coalition.

The leader of the TS-LKD list highlighted that each ministry already has a possible candidate for minister planned. However, the politician said he was willing to listen and consider the proposals of both the Freedom Party and the Liberal Movement.

“I have imagined people that I could nominate for any ministry, but obviously there will not be a government in which all ministers are deputy representatives of the TS-LKD,” said I. Šimonytė.

“So I have something to offer, but I will be happy to hear what my colleagues from the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party will have to offer,” he added.

Photo by D. Labutis / ELTA.

Next year’s budget

Ingrida Šimonytė, leader of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, says next year’s draft budget raises a number of questions.

“The National Union will likely never have a quiet moment trying to form a government. Laughter aside, there are many issues that need to be addressed fairly quickly. This is also a budget issue for next year, which raises a lot of questions. , and the COVID situation, and today we have seen a strange event, when the statistics changed during the day, probably only for reasons known to the publishing institutions, which can be interpreted in various ways, “I. Šimonytė told reporters. .

However, according to her, before the current Seimas has completed his work, the situation may change.

“It is obvious that the situation does not give much peace, but it is necessary not to flee from the events, no matter how it is, this Seimas will work another two and a half weeks until a new Seimas is summoned. During that time, a lot of water will escape and that situation may change, ”he said.

“Any government may have to make that transition under completely different conditions than it would be tomorrow,” added I. Šimonytė.

Same-sex partner, cannabis legalization

Ingrida Šimonytė, leader of the conservative list, says that the issues of legalizing same-sex couples and legalizing cannabis for medical and recreational purposes should be discussed at the Seimas.

“It could be discussed at this Seimas. There are members of the Seimas for whom this issue is important, they could initiate this issue and that discussion at the Seimas could take place,” I. Šimonytė told reporters on Sunday.

“The government program should talk about other things. Because if we have problems for which there are different options from different politicians, it is probably better to coordinate the central attitudes where the nation is represented, ”said I. Šimonytė.

The push to legalize same-sex couples and legalize cannabis for medical and recreational purposes is enshrined in the electoral program of the Freedom Party.

Photo by I. Gelūnas / Fotobankas
