I.Šimonytė says Health Minister A.Dulkys exceeded his expectations


“I think the Minister has done more than I bravely expected in that time. The fact that people generate some expectations maybe sometimes elusive for the Minister that a person comes along and suddenly fixes a situation that has been rolling. for less than a long time in a week all the time you need to do a reality check to see if something is being done, “the prime minister said in an interview with Delfi programs on Wednesday.

He said he was well aware that the minister works “16 to 18 hours a day” because he has to deal with problems both after work and on weekends.

I. Šimonytė also thinks that those who criticize the minister can hope to gain popularity.

“I think there is an issue here that is in the spotlight. And talking about it, or criticizing it, can probably always get support. Because, as I mentioned, there are people who think that everything has to happen in some miraculous way, “he said.

I. Šimonytė said he thought his government was receiving more criticism than Saulius Skvernelis’s cabinet had received. The prime minister said she receives criticism from people she did not expect.

“There are people who think that everything has to happen in some miraculous way. (…) I listen to those criticisms, sometimes even the ones I least expected. But I believe, and I advise the Minister, that the most important thing is to do. We listen to criticism, if it is constructive and with suggestions, we try to evaluate it. But sometimes it hurts a bit that in the previous episode, I mean the first wave of a pandemic and the time between waves, I really heard that criticism much less than what you hear from practically the first day of Government, “said the First Minister.

President Gitanas Nausėda has expressed his doubts about A. Dulkis before approving the Government. He said he hoped a health representative with experience in handling the coronavirus situation would be in office, and said he had approved him for minister because he had not received a more suitable candidate.

On Thursday, the opposition invited A. Dulkis to the Seimas “to explain and take responsibility for the growing number of non-transparently organized vaccinations against COVID-19 in the country.”

The “farmers” say that “it is worrying that the government, together with the Ministry of Health, does not ensure a transparent list of vaccinated people as a priority issue; it classifies against COVID-19”.

Before becoming a minister, A. Dulkys headed the State Audit Office and worked at the Bank of Lithuania.
