I.Šimonytė presents a “moderate” program of the Government: he will argue with opponents, continue good work, hopes to cancel the emergency situation


The key principle of the new government is trust.

Which, in my opinion and that of my colleagues, should have been reflected in all parts of the Government’s program, and that <...> it could give more rights and confidence to decide to an official, a doctor, a businessman or other members of our society, ”said I. Šimonytė from the Seimas rostrum.

To build more trust and consensus, he said, it’s important to open up the data. The facts could and could serve as the basis for consensus, ultimately helping to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government headed by I. Šimonytė, according to himself, has a moderate ambition.

For unimplemented programs, policy documents, strategies, and similar essays, we have a full graveyard of documents. Unfortunately.

“We have a whole graveyard of similar unimplemented programs, policy documents, strategies and trials. Unfortunately,” he said, considering that we were spending very little discussion on measures that would help achieve the stated goals.

I. Šimonytė stated that the aspirations of different governments are often similar, and it is the measures that stand out.

The politician also said that due to some of the things mentioned in the program, the consensus of different forces will be needed immediately. One of those areas is education.

Lukas April / 15min photo / The government program is presented to the family

Lukas April / 15min photo / The government program is presented to the family

“We could begin discussions soon after the government receives the authority to act,” said I. Šimonytė, taking into account the national agreement on education.

The same, according to politicians, applies to the “green agenda.”

“The decisions that we have to make to achieve the goals that will be set in a decade, or perhaps thirty years, will have to be agreed now, and those decisions will certainly not be very simple,” warned I. Šimonytė, adding: that life Daily business will change as a result, someone will lose income.

Another important issue mentioned by the designated Prime Minister is economic transformation. And for them to have a high added value, according to I. Šimonytė, determined efforts are needed.

“I think we have a lot of potential, we have to focus on that,” said the politician.

Lukas April / 15min photo / The government program is presented to the family

Lukas April / 15min photo / The government program is presented to the family

Changes in the near future, he said, are necessary in public administration.

“One of the biggest problems is that the strategies are not succeeding, which could, <...> that the people who have to implement them, the civil service, the public administration, are often unmotivated and defeated, and are not valued for doing so. Very often, we do not delve into the horizontal consequences of our decisions, we are more inclined to see our box, our shelves, because it is safer, because we also punish the initiative, “said the Prime Minister.

At the end of the presentation, he focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and hinted that even if it were extinguished, the consequences would be felt in many areas, especially human mental health.

The government does not plan to operate in an emergency for a full four-year period.

“The government does not plan to operate in an emergency situation for the entire four-year period. However, the emergency conditions will end and [Vyriausybė] I would like to outline your vision, your tasks and your indicators of success, according to which you would like to measure that success in an honest, transparent and open way, ”said I. Šimonytė.
