I. Šimonytė on the suicide of a young doctor after harassment: “Special measures are also needed”


“This is a cultural problem, very often in our society, and not only in medical institutions, in many groups we see a predominant tendency to scold, criticize, and sometimes punish with great harshness the mistakes made. We don’t really have a cultural person to praise, support, help, or offer to help. I think this is changing, but not fast enough, “the prime minister told reporters in the Seimas on Thursday.

“We must start, to see for ourselves in our lives, if we are really too critical, too demanding and, sometimes, very fierce with people who make mistakes or who have a different opinion from ours,” added the head of government. .

Commenting on the situation after the suicide of a young doctor, I. Šimonytė stated that certain relief measures had already been developed, a special line had been established to report cases of pressure at work to doctors, but this initiative was repressed in the absence of support.

“Special measures are also needed, it seems that these special measures were and were created, but they seemed liberated because they did not feel supported, although the anonymous line through which they could report was initially quite active.” As far as I know, after the previous very painful incident at the Republican Hospital in Lazdynai, ”said the Prime Minister.

More than a year ago, the Ministry of Health established a special trust number for doctors who experience psychological violence, harassment or other pressure at work.

The debate about the mental health of doctors and the pressures they experienced were revived after the knowledge of the suicide of a young doctor.

It is announced that the death of a doctor may be related to the systemic oppression experienced in the workplace at Šiauliai Republican Hospital: bullying.

Representatives of the medical institution said the doctor was fired last Thursday for a serious offense.

Law enforcement agencies are clarifying the cause of death of a young doctor who worked at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital.
