I. Šimonytė explained why “social bubbles” between municipalities have been eliminated


“Only the rules on transfer to another municipality have been substantially modified, that is, in the context of a general restriction of not moving to another municipality without a necessary need, because within the municipality that regulation has not been changed,” said the goverment’s head. reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday.

With the renewal of restrictions on movement between municipalities as of Saturday, it is no longer possible to meet with members of a “social bubble” from different municipalities.

As the SNB informed the SNB on Monday, the government’s decision last week to extend the quarantine no longer contained an exception that would allow members of two families to travel from one municipality to another if one of them has only one person.

According to the ministry, meetings between these two families or households are only allowed in circular municipalities.

The renewed restrictions on movement between municipalities should be in effect until April 6 inclusive. This decision was made by the Government to stop the spread of COVID-19.

According to I. Šimonytė, this amendment sends a message to residents that everyone will stay home for Easter.

As with the previous restrictions, it is not only possible to move between the municipalities of the ring, travel for business, to or from airports and seaports and bus stations, and for other important reasons.

Over the weekend, the policemen delivered almost 1.4 thousand. automobiles, 102 complaints of administrative infraction were made for non-compliance with the restrictions.

In Lithuania, restrictions on movement were introduced in mid-December, and since March 16 they were lifted in most of the country, left only in municipalities with the worst epidemiological situation, and renewed again as of Saturday.
