I.Šimonytė divides ministries for conservative people – Respublika.lt


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I.Šimonytė divides the ministries for the Conservatives. Photo by Stasys Žumbis, Irmantas Sidarevičius, Elta.

The prime minister candidate not only nominated the candidacy for the post of agriculture minister. According to her, the search for this minister took time. “He would not present such candidacies, whose possibilities he would doubt,” emphasized I. Šimonytė.

“Vakaro žinios” briefly introduces each candidate. It is true that the information on some of them is extremely poor, as some of the candidates are very little known in society, and some are members of the Seimas, former and recently elected.

Monika Navickienė – Candidate for Minister of Social Security and Labor

Graduated in Philosophy, Master in Tax Administration, Conservative, re-elected for the second time to Seimas, member of the Labor and Social Affairs Commission in the previous legislature.

Dainius Kreivys – Candidate for Minister of Energy

Conservative, by education: Professor of history, who also has a master’s degree in the “Business Administration for Managers” program

grade, elected to the Seimas for the third time. 2008-2011 he worked as Minister of Economy in the government of Andrius Kubilius. However, he resigned when the Central Commission for Official Ethics declared that D. Kreivys had confused his interests by granting European support to schools whose reconstruction work was to be carried out by a company related to his mother. Then-President Dalia Grybauskaitė also expressed her distrust of the minister.

Aušrinė Armonaitė – Candidate for Minister of Economy and Innovation

President of the Freedom Party, Teacher in Public Policy Analysis, reelected to the Seimas for the second time Legalization of “families”.

Gabriel Landsbergis – Candidate for Chancellor

Grandfather’s grandson, president of the Conservative Party, BA in History, later with a master’s degree from the Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences. 2014-2016 after working as an MEP, he later moved to the Seimas. Recently, he has become more famous for his family business: his wife has a network of kindergartens and private schools, which also received the attention of the Temporary Commission of the Seimas due to an enigmatic transaction when a plot of one million was transferred. dollars for euros.

Arūnas Dulkys – Candidate for Minister of Health

Economist, since 2015 he headed the State Audit Office. It is doubtful whether President Gitanas Nausėda will bless his candidacy, because this year the Seimas approved the removal of A. Dulkis from the post of Auditor General at the end of his term. The president did not want him to be re-elected.

Jurgita Šiugždinienė – Candidate for Minister of Education, Science and Sports

Conservatory, elected for the first time to the Seimas, Master in Public Administration, Doctor in Social Sciences, A. Kubilius during the Government of 2009-2012. She worked in the Government Office, and since 2008 Until now, she has held various positions at the Kaunas University of Technology (while working in the Government, she worked as an associate professor at the university, then as dean of a faculty, vice-chancellor of studies, rector temporary).

Arvydas Anušauskas
– candidate for Minister of National Defense

A historian, former professor at the Vilnius Pedagogical University, former director of the Genocide and Resistance Research Department of the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Center, has been elected to the Seimas since 2008. He has headed the Defense and Security Committee National of the Seimas.

Agnė Bilotaitė – Candidate for Minister of the Interior

Conservative, elected to the Seimas since 2008, BA in Political Science and LL.M., who won the title of “Miss Photo” in the Klaipeda “Mass” contest.

Simon Gentville – Candidate for Minister of the Environment

Representative of the Liberal Movement, Bachelor of Sociology and Eur Master in Urban Studies, elected to the Seimas for the second time. He was Vice President of the Environment Committee for the last term. “The forest in Lithuania is being cut down too slowly,” the prospective Environment Minister, Eugenijus Gentvilas’s son, said on Facebook.

Simonas kairys – Candidate for Minister of Culture

Representative of the Liberal Movement, who tried to enter the Seimas of this period, but did not enter, Graduated in Political Science, Master in Law. Former Deputy Mayor of Kaunas, and since 2019. – Advisor to the Mayor of Kaunas. He has already managed Lukiškės square compared to the banana peel on which everyone slips.

Kasparas adomaitis – Candidate for Minister of Transport

Elected to the Seimas for the first time with the Freedom Party list. The questionnaire presented by the CEC indicates that he graduated from higher education in business administration and comparative economics, psychology and politics. worked as an urban analyst at Euromonitor International.

Gintarė Skaistė – Candidate for Minister of Finance

Conservative, Master in Economics and Doctor in Social Sciences, elected for the second time to the Seimas, having been part of the Budget and Finance Committee. Her biography is “diversified” by the fact that she was caught behind the wheel in 2013, fined and lost her driver’s license for a year.

Evelina Dobrovolska – Candidate for Minister of Justice

Law degree was chosen for the Seimas for the first time (through the list of the Party of the Freedom). worked as a paralegal. In a questionnaire sent to the CEC, it states that it “specializes in cases of original spelling, gender reassignment, hate crimes and discrimination.” He has four tattoos and he doesn’t promise to stop.
