I.Šimonytė: cynical to increase tension in the EU and at the same time treat mother-in-law and teach children there


This is not the first time that tension has risen.

Relations with Russia have been more or less tense for a long time, but recently the atmosphere has become even more hostile.

When we and some other European countries sent a platoon of Russian diplomats, Moscow published a list of countries hostile to Russia, which included Lithuania and Poland.

Russia also sent several Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian diplomats.

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Joint press conference of the Prime Ministers of Lithuania and Poland

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Joint press conference of the Prime Ministers of Lithuania and Poland

“We started the discussion not from the economy, not from the pandemic, not from vaccination, but from the security situation, from what unites us and on what we have an absolutely identical approach,” I. Šimonytė later said about the meeting Sunday. .

He spoke with a colleague from Poland that the increase in tension was not being felt for the first time. 2008 there were events in Sakartvele, later in the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula, other episodes in which “someone had illusions, we always had very few of those illusions, I think due to our historical experience.”

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According to I. Šimonytė, probably for the same reasons, the Republic of the Two Nations and its Constitution, which turns 230 years old on Monday, “could not flourish as it deserved.”

“We have no illusions that we can expect some miracle, a change, while the regime is in the Kremlin. Its objectives are, among other things, not only to increase tensions, but also to increase tensions both between our countries and in the European Union (EU), to question the values ​​of the EU.

At the same time, in the EU countries, keeping their assets active, treating their mothers and educating their children, that is, using all the achievements that the EU has.

It is, of course, cynical and manipulative, but it is. Our task, especially given our geographic location, is to strengthen ourselves and others, as well as to strengthen the response of the democratic world to all those efforts. “

In the words of I. Šimonytė, defending the interests and values ​​of her and her citizens, both countries have been cooperating intensely until now. Intense contacts are taking place between representatives of the army, the ministers of defense and foreign affairs. Both actions and approaches are said to be coordinated.

“In fact, there is not much to combine here, just some technical things, because the approach is probably identical,” emphasized the prime minister.

“We are not the initiators of a frozen relationship”

Morawieckis also assured that the opinions and positions of both countries “are very united when evaluating the threats from the East.”

Roko Lukoševičiaus / 15min nuotr./Mateusz Morawiecki

Roko Lukoševičiaus / 15min nuotr./Mateusz Morawiecki

According to him, NATO and similar organizations are a good way to respond to aggressive actions by Russia.

“Our strong voice, which is heard in Europe and other NATO capitals, is strong, it is heard, and we are convinced that it is not only necessary to strengthen rhetoric but also concrete action,” said the guest.

He stressed that Russia’s imperialist policy was a threat to its neighbors and that “we are not the initiators of a freeze.”

“We are friendly with all countries, we want to cooperate with all, we are open to that. We cannot allow human rights to be violated, carry out attacks, carry out hybrid attacks, threaten violence.

We are facing hybrid stocks from the East in both Lithuania and Poland. It encourages closer cooperation, which is very important in this part of the world. “

As you know, the Czech government recently indicted the 2014 Russian military intelligence agency GRU after an explosion at an arms depot in the east of the country and announced the deportation of 18 Russian diplomats whom it called spies.

The neighboring Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, soon announced that they would send a total of seven Russian diplomats together. His example was followed by Romania, who ordered a Russian diplomat to leave.

As diplomatic tensions with western states escalated, Moscow in turn Announced A list of countries hostile to Russia, which included nine countries: the United States, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sacartwell, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom.

In addition, Russia announced sending three Lithuanian diplomats.
