I.Šimonytė: Additional purchased vaccines will cost several euros more than previously reserved


The European Commission proposes to buy additional quantities of vaccine from Biotech Pfizer. In addition, the purchase of 0.6 million is proposed. dose.

According to I.Šimonytė, according to vaccine agreements with various manufacturers, Lithuania should receive around 7 million. dose. He said that if in the optimistic scenario we could have expected a fairly large number of vaccines in 2021, now those expectations are much more vague.

“It means that a large part of that amount is simply being carried over to later years, until 2022. Pfizer is no longer available, it is registered in the European Union this week, we are starting vaccines. And therefore, considering that there is such a sparrow here, not a moose in the forest, and we would like to speed up vaccination as much as possible in 2021 to end all quarantines, restrictions and other similar inconveniences as soon as possible, we have taken this decision. that it is worth reserving, “the prime minister told reporters at the Seimas.

Other countries make similar decisions that the government knows about.

Additional quantities of vaccines will be purchased from Biotech Pfizer at a slightly higher price than the company’s previously reserved vaccines.

“That difference is a few euros per vaccine. Because there is no Commission discount, so to speak, that applies to the European core. The difference is certainly not great, we are talking about a few euros here. That price is the same for all member states ”, pointed out I. Šimonytė.

These vaccines could arrive in Lithuania in 3-4 quarters next year.

According to I. Šimonytė, one of the advantages of these vaccines is that they can be adapted quite quickly if necessary due to the COVID-19 mutation.

“It seems to me that today the head of the company has just said in public that it would be a matter of weeks just to apply the vaccine, if there was a need, if it turns out that there is any resistance,” said the head of government.

With additional vaccines, around 300,000 could be vaccinated. people.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys, as announced by BNS, stated that the EC had offered a reserve for an additional quantity of vaccine to all countries of the Community.

According to the minister, Lithuania has 616 thousand. vaccine dose.

“They will be on equal terms for all parties, pro rata principle in accordance with the preliminary purchase agreements, ”said A. Dulkys.

According to him, the additional amount of the vaccine would help to “ensure the protection of the public against infection, the timely vaccination of people at risk.”

A.Dulkys also stated that the parties must make a decision within 24 hours, and Latvia is among the countries that have made a positive decision.

During the meeting, the head of the State Drug Control Service Gytis Andrulionis affirmed that it would be possible to vaccinate some 300 thousand people with additional purchased vaccines. people.

“Respectively, two doses per person, we need to divide by two and we will get the number of people who will be vaccinated,” said G. Andrulionis.

He stressed that the benefits of purchasing additional vaccines are clear.

Earlier Tuesday, I. Šimonytė told reporters that the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines will arrive in Lithuania this week..

How many vaccines will come later, the head of government could not answer, that everything is changing like a war.
