I.imonyt criticizes the budget and ada listens to the voice of the business community


Ingrida imonyt at the Business Ini Conference Business 2021. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V).

The future government will have to deal with the deepening coronavirus crisis again and criticize next year’s budget revenue and some reinvestments. Ingrida, the prime minister of the center-right ruling coalition, is expected to consult with experts and listen to feedback from the business community when making decisions on these issues.

Updated: Conference photo gallery added.

On Tuesday, I. company spoke at the Business ini Business 2021 conference.

I can only say to the business community here that if it happens that I will have to take on this responsibility of leading the new Government, I can say that I will really listen to the voice that is yours and I will really listen to it, he said.

I’m an outspoken tycoon, sometimes I’m a straight tycoon, mons sometimes says even a simple one, maybe I didn’t quite agree with that, but still. So I like that when the poop has a problem, notice, suggest, the idea that it’s straight to the public and say. I would appreciate the criticism, the suggestions and what you are doing, addressing the business community gathered at the conference.

Don’t say who the ministers will be, it’s time to negotiate

I received an invitation to the conference the following Friday and promised to attend if I did not need a fourth partner at the negotiating table after the election. Voters determined that a room was not needed, he said.

The Christian Democrats represented by the Lithuanian Union, represented by I. imonyts, are negotiating with the Liberal Session and the Freedom Party to form a new government. Together, these three parties will hold 74 seats out of 141 in the new Seimas.

According to the candidate for prime minister, one of the most recent questions in recent days is who the new ministers will be and how the COVID-19 pandemic will be fought.

I answer a lot, so maybe let me start the negotiations on the coalition and its program first, because I am not doing anything these days, I am just answering a lot of questions from the media, said I. imonyt.

He recalled that the current outgoing Seimas will operate until mid-November and that the current government headed by Saulius Skvernelis will operate until mid-December.

As far as I know, the first session of the new Seimas should take place on November 16. Then there will be many more procedures and paperwork that will be submitted to the Seimas regarding the prime minister candidate, the formation of the government program and its approval. Therefore, the start of the work of the new government is scheduled to begin only in early December, said I. imonyt.

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Pre-existing coronavirus situation

According to politicians, the situation these days is somewhat reminiscent of 2008, that is, the night of the financial crisis.

I remember myself at the same conference that year. At that time he was also approached by the European Commissioner Dalia Grybauskait and then he opened everyone’s eyes that a painful economic recession awaited the Lithuanian economy, although at that time the government said it was not so bad, I remember the company.

It is not 2008, we are not in the same situation now, because we are in the eurozone, which gives us a certain sense of security, and we have a different economic structure. But once we have a pandemic that we have to deal with in a joint effort, he spoke.

According to I.imonyts, one of the most erroneous decisions of the current outgoing government was to declare victory with the coronavirus crisis in June this year, go to shelter and go on vacation for five weeks.

So today, it seems like we’re getting a lot warmer than we were in March. I have no doubt that there were clues and choices for that. It was good that the elections were held, but that constant codification of the feeling that everything was fine was unfounded and wrong, the politician said.

According to her, one of the biggest challenges for the new government is to solve the problems related to this crisis in an expeditious manner, since the situation in December, when the government will take office, will probably be even worse than now.

I helped the company to intensively debate with the medical community and other experts about modifying and improving the coronavirus control strategy.

There are questions about the budget and the DNA plan.

According to the candidate for prime minister, the budget is also among the first works of the new government. I. The company again criticized the current government’s unwillingness to adjust the annual budget and to hear the necessary critical comments on some aspects of the proposed budget for next year, especially in relation to the DNA plan for the future economy.

Such a situation arises that the actual budgetary situation for this year is very different from that planned, because there was a lot of additional debt, but the Government avoided coming to the Seimas and adjusting the budget. I will remind you that in 2009 in times of crisis we adjusted the budget three times and each time very dramatically, with difficulty. Of course, sometimes there are different circumstances, because we have, among other things, support mechanisms for the euro area, but budgetary adjustments are probably needed. And, unfortunately, the Government did not go to the Seimas to report where and to whom the money, so abundant in loans, was going. Taddors didn’t even know where we bought the money, said I. imonyt, who suggested that the new government would have to carefully analyze actual budget revenues and expenditures, primarily for health care and the education system.

The candidate for prime minister agreed that companies and the economy as a whole will resist the still difficult situation in the first half of the year with a total annual result of perhaps minus one and a half percent, perhaps even zero.

At the same time, we did not know how much of the borrowed money we used to stimulate the economy and how much to gain the advantage of the electorate, I. Company said.

He did not rule out the possibility that the outgoing government still tries to open the doors of the new government assuming new responsibilities.

Pastebi investment bangavim

I. imonyt stated: We have a fairly strong increase in debt. We also have a DNA plan, but I can’t find any people who are happy with that plan, except the Government. You can see that a very intense investment wave next year will be more than 2 billion. Eur, but after a year according to the DNA plan it will no longer exist. Is it sustainable? Do you think you can resist such an investment?

The prime minister’s question is also raised by the billions of revenues that have already been invested in the so-called European Union Reconstruction Fund in next year’s draft budget.

So far, the Fund has only been agreed to by politicians, but has not yet been ratified. We still don’t know if that money will actually reach us next year. Also, the rules about who and where the money will be used are not yet known. We still do not agree with us on this, we have not received specific European rules on how that money should be used, but the conditional budget income is already being drafted, which is probably not very responsible, said I. Company.

So we, on the one hand, have super-optimism, like the people of Vasiuk, on the other hand, we have no preparation, we have no stock, we do not have a plan. Therefore, it will be a difficult task for the new government to achieve a long-term budget response, he said.

2021 The current seventeenth government has already submitted the draft budget to the outgoing Seimas, but it will be considered and approved by the new parliament, and the new cabinet will have to submit its amendments. He will be forced to do it every time after the formal start of his work, because next year the Seimas is scheduled to adopt the budget before Kald, that is, only a few days after the start of the new government.

Strive to build trust

In concluding his speech and answering questions from conference participants, I. imonyt stated that he hoped to increase public confidence.

I hope that the public and companies, as part of that society, understand that problems must be solved and how to solve them, I look forward to a healthy discussion on how to face the biggest challenges, he said.

I always survive with a number due to the number of companies asking yes if they can trust other companies. Unfortunately, there is still a great lack of mutual trust and now we have many third questions to answer in this way. If during the mandate it was possible to bring the indicator to at least 40%, but still very happy, added I. imonyt.

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