I. imonyt asked which candidates for prime minister had questioned


President Gitanas Nausda meets with Prime Minister-designate Ingrida imonyte. Photo by Roberto Dakaus (Office of the President)

President Gitan Nausda is questioned by various candidates proposed by Prime Minister Ingrida’s company, but their names have not been announced at least for now. I. The company expects the new government to be formally formed by the end of this week.

The text was supplemented by the comments of the representative of the President and I. imonyts.

On Tuesday morning, the president met with I. imonyte and discussed the government candidates.

During the meeting, the candidates presented by the Prime Minister appointed to the Cabinet of Ministers were discussed. The seven candidates with whom the president had already met last week, as well as the meal exchange and the seven candidates with whom the president intends to meet later this week, said the president’s spokesman, Antanas Bubnelis.

The president expressed doubts about various candidates and it was agreed that these candidates would be nominated for other people who could occupy the position of minister, added a representative of the president.

According to A. Bubnelis, the Head of State commented on the competencies that candidates should have.

However, neither he nor the I. Companies named the candidates to whom G. Nausda has comments. I agreed that by the end of this week the president will have a formal meeting with the candidates and only then will it be officially announced which candidates will certainly not become members of the new government and where the prime minister-designate will be asked to nominate other candidates. .

The president’s discussion with the prime minister on the composition of the government is scheduled to continue this week, a spokesman for G. Nausda said.

At the press conference, I. Bubnel clarified that there were no agreements with the head of state on the nomination of other candidates, but simply the president’s comments on the candidates who had already been in meetings with the president, as well as some comments on there hasn’t been a meeting yet.

We have just discussed the companies from various angles and in different ways, but as the Government is the result not only of I.imonyts but also of the coalition, and as there should be some changes in that Government, the coalition should discuss them with the President, And then when you meet all the contenders, the Irgals have your personal image of getting Government in corpore. Then the decisions of the coalition and my search will be made, said I. imonyt.

When asked why there are no candidates already nominated for ministers who have doubts about the president, the prime minister-designate replied: Since the meetings continue and the comments were made only on one other candidate, and those comments were of different complexity and content. different, and the good name of the candidate according to the government formation procedure and certain ethics, I will not name those names. If changes are made, they will be revealed and clarified.

According to the prime minister-designate, meetings with the candidates should be completed by ministers G. Nausda on Friday. The EU will then have the opportunity to discuss the composition of the government with the president. He expects a draft of the new government program to be announced on Friday. Until then, according to I. imonyt, a presidential decree on the composition of the twelfth government may appear. The Cabinet program will be discussed and approved by the Seimas next week. Then the government and the gypsy powers to work.

On Tuesday, G. Nausda is also scheduled to meet with Liberal Environment Minister candidate Simon Gentville.

So far, the president has spoken personally with seven of the 14 candidate ministers: Jurgita Iugdiniene, Minister of Education, Science and Sports, Aurine Armonaitė, leader of the Free Party, candidate for Ministers of Health and Health. Evelina Dobrovolska and the ministers of Transport Kaspars Adomaiius, the Minister of Culture of the liberal candidate Simonas Kairis and the conservative candidate of the Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickien.

In meetings with the president, interviews are arranged with candidates and advisers to the head of state.

Nausda said last week that not all the candidates nominated by Prime Minister I. imonyts for ministerial approval would be approved.

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