I got a clear signal that bullying continues, those people must be eliminated.


“I had a meeting with the doctors from the Šiauliai Hospital. We are all aware of the painful event that took place. It was important for me to express my condolences for what happened. (…) But now we have to look ahead and do everything possible to prevent this from happening again. Unfortunately, I could not say that the decision, which was announced very recently, to replace the hospital manager, will solve everything.

I received a clear signal that the mobbing continues, that it is necessary to pay attention to all those people who were involved in this mobbing story in one way or another ”, announced G. Nausėda after the meeting with the RŠL doctors.

Offers to remove related people

He said that not only the hospital director but also others involved in the mobbing scandal should be suspended pending a pre-trial investigation.

“As long as there is the slightest suspicion, I think it should be considered that at least temporarily, pending an investigation, these people would be removed and replaced by appropriate people who could assume their functions,” said the president.

Please be quiet

The president urged all people who encounter manifestations of workplace harassment at work not to remain silent, because “the guilty will continue to make fun of the weakest and the harassment will go nowhere.”

“I urge both Šiauliai Hospital employees and all components of our education, training, health care system, hospital employees and people not to remain silent. If there are problems, you should talk about those problems, because of what Otherwise you will not be able to gather evidence and those culprits will continue to mock the weakest and mobbing will go nowhere.

Therefore, civic attitude, courage and the desire to change the situation are essential. Once again, please do not be silent, say, say, and we will try to help, “G. Nausda addressed the audience.

Following the suicide of a young doctor, two commissions were formed to put out the fire in RŠL, director R.Mažeika was temporarily removed, but the silent fight continues. Doctors are still lit, still lit and still holding candles at the hospital’s main entrance, thus honoring the memory of Laura Šilinskytė, 36, a rights fighter, and expressing dissatisfaction.

Meanwhile, others take out the candles every few minutes and a new video camera is spotted at the entrance. Read more about it here.
