“I don’t agree that we need to create a level playing field.”


Artūras Anužis, the show’s host, will discuss the opportunity passport bans with the governors’ representative, the conservative Linas Slušnis and Igna Vėgėle, president of the Bar Association, who strongly criticizes the opportunity passport.

According to L. Slušnys, the passport of opportunity really works and is designed to separate flows of people. “When we all get vaccinated or have a negative test, there is a dozen times less chance of contracting a virus in that place because the person who is diagnosed with the virus or a positive test automatically travels to isolation. This means that it cannot be found in a store or anywhere else, “he said during the filming of the show.

For his part, I. Vėgėlė affirmed the opposite, now that more and more varieties of the virus appear in the country, for example, delta, the passport of possibilities does not solve anything at all.

The Delta variety can be distributed to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people:

“If we don’t argue that both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread the virus, what is the point of all that? How can you justify dividing people into vaccinated and unvaccinated and restrict the rights of unvaccinated people if the vaccinated virus can spread the virus in the same way? When we talk that there are more or less possibilities, I always trust one simple thing: everyone has the right to have a say and the dispute will be resolved by a court. In the case of medicine, in the case of the delta, everything has changed here ”.

L. Slušnys said that he understood that I. Vėgėlė is trying to behave properly as a lawyer, but with the fact that everyone, both vaccinated and not, must be treated equally, a member of the Seimas is not willing to agree.

“I do not agree and I will not agree that we must create a level playing field. What does equal mean? Those people who were vaccinated were responsible and understood what it means in a state of crisis, what management means. And here is the mentality of the Soviet era, which is sitting in front of me, “L. Slušnys told I. Vėgėla on the show.

“A truly responsible person who takes care of his state should have more opportunities. And the one who is stubborn and unwilling … Most have conspired conspiracy theories about the flat earth and are trying to become the ones who will dictate the terms to everyone else. I say no to that, “he added.

L. Slušnys also objected to the lawyer’s idea that in today’s Lithuania the country is ruled by economists and doctors. In turn, I. Vėgėlė questioned L. Slušnis’s idea that those responsible should be vaccinated by the state. According to him, they did it just for themselves.

“My suggestion and my constant speech refer to the need to constantly persuade people by providing transparent scientific data and statistics, which, by the way, we did not have in Lithuania a few weeks ago.

Let’s admit a very simple fact: a person is vaccinated himself. As for the fact that a person has been vaccinated for the good of society, any survey, statistics, should be taken first. I have not seen it in Lithuania. The person vaccinated himself to get sick more easily. And let’s encourage vaccines to make it easier to get sick, to have as few deaths as possible.

In fact, I think that Lithuania is one of the strictest countries in the world, which introduces a passport of opportunities during the cross-section that unvaccinated people are prohibited from everything related to contact by the Government resolution, with some exceptions ” . I said. Vėgėlė.
