I couldn’t believe what they heard: the walls of the apartment building hid a grim story


And what the girl soon told me surprised the staff of the Family and Child Welfare Center, who had heard many stories of children being sexually abused: the minor was sexually abused for about a year, and she saw her mother having sex with several men many times at home and on television. He was not watching cartoons, but pornographic recordings acquired by his mother.

It’s hard to believe, but it happened in a city in western Lithuania; neither the address of the place of residence nor the data of the mother of the girl and the man who has sexually abused a minor are sensitive, in order to protect the victim. Now he is cared for by completely strangers: two years after the events, the seven-year-old now only occasionally mentions experiences from his past.

And they sprout before her eyes when the girl remembers her mother, who is currently incarcerated in the Panevėžys Correctional Center. The woman was sentenced to prison not only for past criminal offenses, but also for abusing her young daughter when she had sex with men in front of her and often watched pornographic videos. The mother was also convicted of the fact that her daughter had easily damaged her health by doing so. For these crimes, the woman was sentenced to a year and a half in prison, but the sentence was combined with the sentence in another case, for which the careless and lax woman was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison.

The mother agreed with this punishment and did not question it, at that time her friend, condemned with her, categorically shook the pedophile label and tried to demonstrate in various versions that she had never raped or abused her. Well, maybe just once, when she was drunk, she went to the bathroom completely naked, so the very curious girl supposedly saw her genitals.

But, in fact, things were very different: even after the girl was separated from her mother, her father hinted in the interview that his daughter had mentioned to him that he had once seen the “pimp” of her mother’s friend. , and that the girl repeatedly said she did not want to. stay with this “guy”.

I couldn't believe what they heard: the walls of the apartment building hid a grim story

These facts were also known to the girl’s mother, but she still left her daughter alone with her boyfriend. “And where can I help you more?”

She admitted that she had heard the story from her daughter about how she had seen the “uncle’s pimp”, but has not yet sided with her, but with her ex-partner.

“I think I could see his genitals secretly through his panties when he was lying in bed or when he was going to the bathroom, or maybe he was inside, but the girl opened the door,” said the mother of an abused minor.

She also argued that she didn’t think of anything wrong when her daughter brought it up, though she doesn’t hide the fact that she didn’t even try to explain the circumstances in which her daughter saw what she shouldn’t see: “I thought she was going to the bathroom again and my friend didn’t close the door. “

The mother was a very important person to the baby, no matter how terrible she saw at home, but he still hugged her like a kitten.

The data from the criminal case reveals more shocking details: the girl accidentally told the psychologists who interviewed her that her mother had forbidden her to tell anyone about sex and other men she saw at home. The girl avoided talking about them, but she was too young, so she couldn’t keep this “secret”.

And the mother was a very important person to the baby, no matter what terrible things she saw at home, but she still hugged her like a kitten.

“The role of the mother is very important for a little girl: she tends to listen to her mother, to follow her instructions unconditionally,” psychologists who interacted with the girl later said.

The minor was placed in the care of the Family and Child Welfare Center on May 8, 2018; That day, the Service for the Protection of Children’s Rights and the policemen received a call from one of the supermarket security guards: a five-year-old girl who said she did not want to be together. with the “uncle” who brought her to the store. And this “guy” seemed intoxicated with alcohol, so they called the specialists.

It was a very delicate request from the girl: she no longer knew where to turn, she thought while she was in the store that the guards were policemen and would help her. It will free you from the nightmare you experience at home.

It was a very delicate request from the girl: she no longer knew where to turn, she thought while she was in the store that the guards were policemen and would help her.

About what exactly happened at home, the five-year-old dared to tell only the social worker who had earned her trust.

“The girl said that she usually spends time with her mother’s friend, but she did not like him, she said that she did not want to be with him, because he lay down and touched her,” the woman recalled the terrible story of a five-year-old girl.

According to her, the baby showed with his hands which places the “uncle” touched – his chest, genitals … in addition, he stroked his genitals … In addition, according to her, the “uncle” bathed her alone in the bathroom.

I couldn't believe what they heard: the walls of the apartment building hid a grim story

The story of the little girl is very horrible, it really is not necessary to describe such things, it can only be said that the way she was treated, showed on the dolls while playing. How many times has it been like this, I couldn’t tell due to age.

“There have been things like when ‘uncle’ touched me more than once, my mother said not to say anything about it because it is a secret,” the girls said.

Then he repeated this playing with dolls to surprise her with the experts.

“The minor victim is reluctant to speak about the circumstances of the case, is ashamed, responds briefly to questions or avoids answering ‘I don’t know’, but essentially referred to the same abusive and sexual acts committed by the convict as when he questioned her before an investigating judge “. found the judges who knew the criminal case. – The expert opinion also points out that, due to the minor’s peculiarities, her testimony is inconsistent, more fragmented, with leaps of thought from one topic to another, revealing the inherent need to play her and her age, instead of giving testimony about the causes of your emotional stress. The influence of the mother is very significant. “

For the first time, the “uncle” used it when she was only four years old, and it all lasted eleven months.

According to the data from the criminal case, the young uncle used it for the first time when she was only four years old, and it all lasted eleven months.

Furthermore, the girl hinted that her mother would bring home not only an “uncle” to touch her, but also other “uncles.” The mother had sex with her daughter without hesitation; She then argued that she didn’t even think her daughter could understand something and that she might have some questions.

No less shocking is that the girl, her mother and her “uncle” watched pornographic movies on television many times at home.

At that time, the “uncle”, who had been convicted of rape, abuse and minor illness of a minor and was imprisoned for four years, admitted during the investigation that he had slept with the minor in the same bed more than once. However, the man justified that he did it only with a good heart, that the girl was afraid of falling asleep alone.

Later, when she realized that she was going to be jailed for pedophilia, the man went on the offensive: he began to deny that the child had been sexually exploited, and everything she said was called a girl’s fairy tale.

“She has seen her mother and other men do it more than once,” the uncle explained. “The little girl also showed on her wrist how she caressed her mother in the genital area, she saw how intercourse was carried out and the mother hurt herself because she was crying and moaning.”

I couldn't believe what they heard: the walls of the apartment building hid a grim story

© DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

The man also claimed that the girl was “afraid of her mother because she was forbidding and blaspheming her, threatening to kill her if the minor told someone what she saw.”

“The girl knew her sexual life well from her own mother, she did not hide her partners and her sexual acts because she thought that the victim was still very young and could not understand anything,” he said. “Also, while the mother was having sex or even when she was not at home, the girl watched various movies about sex.”

While the mother was having sex or even when they were not at home, the girl watched various movies about sex.

This, according to the man, was confirmed during the pre-trial investigation by both the girl and her mother, who was also convicted. In addition, the “uncle” assured her that he had behaved in a manner contrary to the girl’s mother: I did not commit any sexual act against the victim, nor did I rape or abuse her. It could be that being drunk, like I once walked naked in a room, maybe a girl caught him. “

The man also tried to show that the child was not afraid of him, both communicated perfectly together.

“I have never done what they accuse me, I am not reluctant, although sometimes I drink alcohol”, explained the man.

And here he admitted that the girl from the “massage” had not seen him, but that she could see his sex with his mother.

However, such statements by the man did not convince the judges who knew the criminal case. According to them, both the “uncle” and the girl, her mother and witnesses confirmed that the minor used to stay with him and therefore spent a lot of time.

“The defendant had every opportunity to commit abusive and sexual acts with the minor, and the apartment was a suitable place for him to carry out these acts without impediments,” the judges said. – The fact that he took advantage of this opportunity is confirmed by the testimony of the minor victim and other supporting evidence, so there is no reason to doubt the testimony of the minor or consider it unreliable. The testimony of the victim, its veracity and reality are also corroborated with the conclusion of the assessment of the minor who may be a victim of sexual abuse and the conclusions of the act of examining forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology ”.

According to the court, in cases where sexual offenses are committed against minors, it is particularly difficult to determine the timing of such offenses and some other circumstances with great precision.

The girl tried to resist those actions more actively because of the physical pain she was experiencing: she was crying, possibly telling her mother, hiding from her “uncle” in the store.

“This is the case in this case, since the minor victim was only 4-5 years old at the time of the crimes, so it is natural that the victim could not specify the time of the crimes committed against him by his age ”, emphasized the criminal court.

“It is likely that the girl tried to resist those actions more actively because of the physical pain she was experiencing; she was crying, possibly telling her mother, hiding from her ‘uncle’ in the store,” the judges noted.

In this case, the minor’s defenders asked the girl’s mother and her friend to pay a thousand euros for non-pecuniary damage. The judges assessed that the victim had suffered stress, negative experiences, that the crimes had caused serious health problems, and that the crimes had been committed under extremely low and unjustifiable incentives.

The court confirmed the claim in its entirety and granted the 2,000 requested. However, it recognized that it was too small an amount and that the representatives of the victims could also claim greater moral damages. This money will go to the girl when she comes of age.

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