Hurry up for a walk in the woods – you can’t even imagine the benefits it will bring


If you are afraid of getting lost in the forest or meeting a snake, Modesta Genytė, the founder of the non-governmental organization “Forest History”, the organizer of the trip, told the portal how to tame the forest.

Loving the forest is not a one-day task, but that love is embedded in our genes because we are part of nature. It is important to feel the moment when it is better to take a walk in the woods, and the body will really remind you.

“Our body is worth listening to because it always tells us what we need. Various thoughts, fears, and beliefs can be misleading, but the body always tells the truth. Due to the fast and often unconscious way of life, we just forget about these things, we no longer make sense of them. Also, we are very good at repressing feelings and emotions. These bad habits have their long-term consequences ”, said the interlocutor.

The most useful fresh air in the forest

If you are in doubt and do not understand what to travel to the forest, you probably do not know the benefits of walking through the forest. This is good for your health: the air in the city is polluted, so you have to go to the forest and breathe fresh, clean air.

“I think we have to go to the forest first for pragmatic things: guaranteed clean air, enriched with phytoncides and spectacular green views of nature, which we see less and less in cities. Over time, we feel that we want freshness in the lungs and cleanliness. in our minds. The city cannot always guarantee that. Especially if life passes in a big city and you feel that it is already getting difficult, you want something fresh and pure, it is time to go to the forest “, advises M. Genytė.

It is also a great place to relax, and the smells and sounds of the forest, such as birdsong or the snoring of the leaves, have an especially positive effect on the nervous system, helping to combat depression or anxiety.

“The forest calms us down and works positively just because we are a forest nation, so when we travel to the forest, we really go back to where we came from. We return to the embrace of Mother Nature, to whom we can give ourselves completely. Even the most sensitive people unconsciously seek to spend more time in nature because they feel relief and refreshment of the soul with their whole body.

Nature is a great antidepressant. The more a person tends to worry, the more he must be in nature. But nature is open to all who travel to it with respect ”, said the organizer.

If you already go to the forest, the most important thing here is not to count the kilometers, but the time invested. Forest therapy is particularly popular now, which states that you must spend at least an hour and a half or two a week in the forest to raise awareness and recharge positive emotions.

“I think that if a person comes to the forest out of fear, he will still relax and calm down in the long run. Of course, if a person feels insecure, it may be the other way around. Therefore, it is better not to walk through the forest alone. And if you have already entered the forest and want to experience its benefits, you will have to move from your thoughts to environmental monitoring: try to listen to the song of the birds, the barking of the leaves, touch the plants, the trees, smell.

Forest vegetation releases a variety of chemicals that affect our nervous system. In the long run, you will be soothed both by the excess fresh air and by smells and sounds. Of course, it is important to know which plants it is best not to even touch, let’s say a beautiful snake can be very tempting, but it is poisonous. However, all the trees will be sheltered and comforted, so they can really be trusted, ”said the interlocutor.

It is not worth being afraid if you are properly prepared

Proper psychological disposition is especially important when traveling to the forest. You must not go to the forest in fear; If you are concerned about spending time in a large, unfamiliar forest, start with a closer location, such as a park. However, you should know that the forest will feel your fear, and the interlocutor is convinced that with whatever attitude you go, the forest will find you.

“You have to start with small steps if there is fear. This will be a good start. You can first travel to the nearest park, get acquainted and tame it. The close environment creates a sense of security. And if there is a friend nearby, you will feel even more secure. In the long run, the same park, no matter how proper and cute it may be, can wake up, making it worth traveling further from home, thus expanding the boundaries of cognition.

Explore the surrounding forests, and when you feel ready to go deeper, travel further. It is important not to squeeze yourself. A trip to the forest should provide, first of all, peace and quiet, not additional stress, ”said M. Genytė.

The fear of getting lost is common and normal. So if you are afraid of getting lost in the woods, all you have to do is focus and observe the surroundings. As you go along, you’ll be sure to notice and notice details like an interestingly shaped tree, which will help you come back successfully.

“When you go to the forest, you have to pay attention to details. This is a great opportunity to develop awareness. Try to spot more prominent trees, terrain, roads and trails, streams, or other bodies of water and capture them in memory. Of course, you can always draw a travel map and it will be a fun educational game.

Observed and captured details will make excellent landmarks if you get lost or simply choose to go back the same way. In the forest, navigation doesn’t always work, so it can be tricky if you decide to just rely on it. Therefore, it is beneficial to remain alert and at the same time not forget to enjoy the peace and happiness of the forest. When the mind is calm, there is little chance of getting lost ”, says the interlocutor.

However, if you get lost, keep a cool mind. Panic will block your memory and make you seem like you are trapped in the forest for a long time, but when you calm down, you will find your way back.

“The most important thing is not to panic. If you get lost, stop and breathe, you may need a few minutes of deep breathing. When the mind calms down, especially the memory returns and you know how to get there,” advises the organizer of the walk.

An online check-in will also be helpful in preparation for the trek. If it is known that there are many snakes or an event has occurred, it is better to avoid such a forest:

“In fact, due to the holy peace, it is best to find out in advance where he will travel. If it is known that something has happened in one or another forest, it is clear that you probably do not want to go there, to climb that “swamp”.

But no matter what you fear, the time you spend in the forest will redeem all fears. Eventually all your fears will pass, you will relax and realize that it was not as scary as you expected.

Experiential walk

To the forest – barefoot and silent

Whether you’re a fan of forest walks or just a beginner, maybe it’s time for a new experience. Experimental walks are especially popular when walking barefoot through the woods. While this may seem terrible at first glance, after such an experience, all fears will disappear.

“The main objective of barefoot walks is landing. When we make direct contact through contact with the body and vegetation, we get the strongest healing effect from the depths of the earth. Walking barefoot is a natural phenomenon probably only practiced by the little kids these days The invention of shoes has severed ties with nature.

We could pull negative electrons out of the ground at our feet, which would neutralize the excess energy accumulated in the body, but we probably won’t anymore. We have forgotten many good things that our ancestors practiced. The purpose of these walks is to remind people that nature strengthens and heals, ”said M. Genytė about the experimental walks.

If you like hiking but don’t want to hear what others are saying, the best option for you is a quiet walk. We are used to talking or listening to speeches from the side, but walking in silence will help you listen to your thoughts.

“Silent walks are a challenge for most. Sometimes a lot of people go, but they say: “I want to go for a walk, I like the route, but I don’t want to hear what others are saying. I don’t care, I want to hear my thoughts.” And sometimes people go to nature to listen to themselves, because sometimes it is difficult to concentrate on the civilized world, that’s why they go to nature to calm down and listen to what they are saying ”, explained the interlocutor.

Do you want to know more about the forest? The reserve’s visitor centers organize more and more tours. The guide will take you through the forest, tell you about its secrets, fauna and introduce you to the forest.

If you don’t know where to choose to go for a walk, M. Genytė encourages you to visit as many forests as possible and not to go out of style, not to see where many people go. The interlocutor encourages you to go to the forest: it is completely different, exceptional and the energy in it is different.

“Lithuania is full of wonderful and varied forests, and each of them has its own energy. For example, an ancient forest is completely different than just a forest. As soon as the opportunity to travel arises, I highly recommend experiencing those different forests. No need to chase fashion, look different top roads. I think we can create our own top ready. “
