Hurry, there is only one month left to receive compensation for giving up gas cylinders – even fines will be imposed later


Currently in Lithuania 1,5 thousand. apartment buildings of three stories or more you continue to use unsafe liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders.

According to the Environmental Project Management Agency (APVA), this year 421 applications were received for 721 euros from all residential buildings with LPG cylinders. compensation for the replacement of gas cylinders.

“More than 250 apartment buildings have applied for and secured the funds they will receive when they complete all contract work. More than 110 more apartment buildings have submitted applications, which are currently being evaluated and will receive funding in the near future, ”says ENMIN.

Gas charge

No applications were received from some cities.

The largest number of unsafe gas cylinders remain in the Tauragė, Šilutė and Jurbarkas district municipalities, more than a hundred in each of them.

Many applications have been received from these districts, but there are municipalities that are in no rush to submit them.

“The Raseiniai district municipality is the most active, the Šilutė, Tauragė and Jurbarkas district municipalities can be distinguished as very active.

Currently, the residents of the Utena, Rokiškis, Kaišiadorys and Elektrėnai districts are not very active. No applications have been received from there, ”says Austėja Jonaitytė, representative of APVA.

The number of apartment buildings looking to convert LPG cylinders to electricity or natural gas is expected to increase before the June 1 application deadline.

“We still have time until June 1, but there is an increase in applications at the moment and we are getting a bit more of those applications. From the beginning there were ghosts, but we are still trying to get some kind of message through the APVA website and through the Ministry of Energy. This is now exacerbated by the number of applications we receive. We hope that they will submit applications more and more actively “, says A. Jonaitytė.

This year the first – in the district of Radviliškis

According to A. Jonaitytė, two projects have already been implemented this year: two apartment buildings have exchanged dangerous gas cylinders for electricity or natural gas: “They have submitted payment requests, which we will now compensate. Both apartments are located in the district of Radviliškis ”.

Albertina, a spokeswoman for one of the funded apartment buildings, says that all of the apartments in the house have voluntarily agreed to apply and are happy to take advantage of the compensation they have received.

“Most of us have changed ( LPG cylinders – aut. past.) – of twelve, six departments already use new stoves, when the others have finished burning gas, they will be used in all ”, he says.

The application was submitted by the residents of the house on March 2 of this year, and the funding was granted a month later, on April 7.

“We do not have that money now, because we are still inspecting our apartment building. But we will immediately receive money that we must return to the population: 242 euros each. We are all satisfied because our house is for the elderly,” continues the resident.

Location of the new project (photo on Google Maps)

Individual applications will not be accepted

To receive compensation, 70% must agree. Apartments in an apartment building that use LPG cylinders.

According to the APVA spokesperson, individual cases are not accepted.

“If there are ten balloons in the house and you only want to give up one when the other nine don’t want to, then you can’t apply because there will be no funding.

And if it were the other way around, seven out of ten would like to change apartments, which would be 70 percent. gas cylinders with all apartments – it would be possible. The other three just couldn’t change, ”APVA said.

Last year, gas cylinders were replaced and 309 apartment buildings were financed. If there are the remainder who did not make it last year, this year they can.

“If the majority of the apartment building residents changed their gas cylinders last year, but there are still those who have not yet, they can receive funding. You must first contact your apartment building manager,” EMNIM says.

According to EMNIM, this year 10 million have been allocated for the gas cylinder replacement project. euros.

Of these funds, each applicant apartment will receive 726 euros, of which 242 euros. € 242 will go towards converting gas or electrical engineering systems in a multi-apartment housing community. – for the reconversion of the electricity or gas system in the apartment, and the remaining 242 euros. – the purchase of an electric or gas stove.

Penalties for not rejecting gas cylinders

According to data from the Fire Protection and Rescue Department, this year there were 3 fires (2 in Vilnius county, 1 in Šiauliai county) in multi-apartment residential buildings due to gas, kerosene, gasoline equipment, failures and breakdowns in the operation of electrical appliances, and 5 fires in the same period last year.

According to the ministry, the use of such balloons in apartment buildings is extremely dangerous and the residents who use them, despite legal and safety requirements, pose a risk to their own health and the safety of those around them. Therefore, not dispensing with LPG cylinders will result in fines in the future.

“The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania establishes that a violation of the rules of installation, operation and safety of energy equipment (electricity, heat, natural gas or liquefied petroleum, oil or petroleum products) will result in a warning or a fine for persons of sixty to one hundred and forty euros and a warning or fine of two hundred to four hundred and forty euros to the holders of legal persons or other responsible parties ”, the Ministry also comments.

Check if your apartment building is included in the houses involved in the LPG cylinder replacement project which can be found here.
