Hundreds of protesters were arrested during a demonstration by German skeptics of the coronavirus


“Extremists and rioters” tried to storm the Reichstag, “the symbolic center of our democracy,” Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said in Sunday’s edition of Bild.

Thousands of coronavirus skeptics gathered in central Berlin in a massive protest on Saturday, but police demanded its dispersal immediately after the march began.

“Plus [demonstrantų] it failed to meet the minimum distance requirement despite repeated requests, police said. “There is no other way than to end this rally.”

The Berlin city government had previously decided not to allow the demonstration, fearing that it could gather up to 22,000 people. protesters and that they will not comply with the requirements to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters and wear masks.

This ban outraged the organizers and their supporters. They flooded social media with angry statements, threatening to protest anyway, or even calling for violence.

However, on the eve of the rally, the Berlin administrative court sided with the protesters, claiming there was no indication that the organizers would “willfully ignore” the distance requirements and endanger public health.
