How will students try on, wear masks, and isolate themselves? Everything students and their parents need to know


J. Lukošius told how to behave, to whom and where to wear masks, when to try, on the news portal, program “Section of the day”.

Mr. Lukošiau, how long and at what interval will the children be tested?

Testing is available in all schools in grades 1-12. These are those rapid antigen tests with a frequency of 2 times a week. So it’s planned.

The only thing that is done is that it is not a barrier to receiving lessons. We urge parents to be aware, children not to be afraid of tests, to look at those friends who have agreed to get tested that nothing is wrong with their health and that there is nothing dangerous or strange about joining the proof. If we have a sufficient sample of children who will be tested regularly, school will always be a safe place to study.

And the children will take the tests themselves, will they be more complex tests?

There are two of the same test methods that were used in the spring. One is widely understood as the cumulative method. It involves a healthcare professional and the schools organize it in a way that they have long understood.

The second is self-control. There are no health specialists there, but schools have rapid antigen tests, children take their own sample. If the help of a teacher or a school designee is needed, they can get it and quickly, within 15 minutes, get a result, either positive or negative.

Will surface tests also be used?

Currently, surface tests are for guidance only. If we achieve a more complex pandemic situation, surface testing could become a prerequisite in preschool, preschool and primary education.

What are the requirements for kindergarten and preschool?

For them, masks are optional, masks are mandatory for staff. There is a significant separation of groups so that they do not mix in the kindergarten facilities, but there are no mandatory tests or other special measures, because we ourselves understand that preschool and preschool education is vital for a wide variety of reasons and must have place continuously.

If a student or teacher becomes infected with a coronavirus, who should isolate themselves? Is it just the sick person or people around you who have been in close contact?

Flow rates in schools will be very important: the lower the flow of pupils in schools, the less likely it is that large numbers of children will have to isolate themselves. What specifically should be isolated is decided by the staff of the National Center for Public Health after evaluating high-risk contacts.

And if a child gets sick in class, other classmates have to isolate themselves, right?

If they have spent more time in contact, then yes, they may need to isolate themselves if they are sick or not vaccinated.

Keep in mind that if someone in the immediate environment becomes ill, in the classroom, and if your child is not ill, has not been vaccinated, it is very likely that he or she will need to be isolated.

Do I understand correctly that the use of masks for first and fourth grade students is not only necessary in classrooms, but must be used in public school facilities?

No, now first graders don’t wear masks anywhere.

And if the situation in COVID-19 worsens, what would be stricter and what additional measures would schools have to take?

Preschool, preschool education, in our opinion, should stay in touch, even if the pandemic situation worsens. <...> Surface tests in primary schools should also be compulsory. Graduates must also learn by contact, albeit without testing, and other groups should be assessed individually: their level of immunization, what level of regular testing we have achieved.

If those groups were heavily immunized and had a high percentage of voluntary testing, then there would be no need to think about coeducation or distance learning. If we had a situation where immunization levels were low and children or their parents did not agree to regular medical check-ups, then after exhausting all other means, closing other activities, it would be seen that education would have to take a little pandemic management. measures.

Children in these groups could potentially attend coeducational or distance education.

See the full conversation in the report at the beginning of the article.
