How To Treat High Blood Pressure – Named Top 5 Mistakes


The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that the number of people with the disease will increase dramatically, from 972 million in 2000 to 1.56 billion. By 2025. People need to understand that they themselves can influence the treatment of high blood pressure; lifestyle and diet play a key role in correcting hypertension. Physical inactivity, salt in food, processed and fatty foods, alcohol, and smoking are the main mistakes people make.

To show the extent of high blood pressure and its inadequate control, doctors illustrate this with a “rule of thumb”: hypertension is diagnosed in only half of patients with high blood pressure, only half of them receive treatment and only half of the treated patients are adequately treated.

According to the president of the Lithuanian Hypertension Society, the director of the Center for Nephrology of the Vilnius University Hospital Santara Clinics prof. Marius Miglin, if a person has high blood pressure, it damages many organs, so the risk of stroke is four times higher and the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and kidney failure is two times higher.

These diseases are disabling and are associated with high mortality. Therefore, it is especially important to know that proper control of high blood pressure is essential to prevent serious illness or even death.

Doctor of Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Center of Cardiology and Angiology, Clinicas Santara, cardiologist doc. Jolita Badarienė recalls: “Even if you feel fine, you need to measure your blood pressure. A person does not always feel that their blood pressure is elevated.

In some patients, increased blood pressure may not cause any symptoms. It is important to know that normal blood pressure should be at least 140/90 mmHg. “

“If you have had a blood pressure of more than 140/90 mmHg on several occasions, you should consult your GP, who will recommend how to treat your high blood pressure,” advises the cardiologist. J. Badariene.

High blood pressure is treated with drugs, the rules of which are often developed by the patients themselves. This contributes to poor control of the disease. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of patients still believe that hypertension is a curable disease. They no longer take medicine or reduce the dose of medicine when their blood pressure drops.

Medicines in this group must be taken at all times; only your doctor can safely adjust your dose after assessing your health. This cannot be done by the patients themselves.

During the period of the pandemic, the nature of the consultations changed, patients were afraid to go to personal health care institutions, which caused a degree of interruption in the treatment and control of chronic diseases.

The changed living conditions must change both working methods, so both doctors and patients must adapt to the new counseling conditions and continue treatment to achieve effective blood pressure control. The lifestyles of patients must also change: a year of physical sedentary lifestyle must be completed and efforts must be made to move in the healthiest way possible.
