How to take care of pets to survive the summer – some unexpected tips


Aušra Tasiukevičiūtė, a veterinarian and representative of the Kauno Grūdai veterinary pharmacy, shares tips on what to pay attention to and what measures should be in the pet care basket during this period, the report reads.

Do not leave your pet in the sun and heat. One of the most common problems encountered in hot weather is overheating. Pets need special protection because they feel the effects of heat even faster than humans.

Make sure that your pet does not spend a lot of time in direct sunlight, or leave him alone for a long time in hot rooms. “It often happens when a pet is left in the car and the host thinks he will visit the store for a short time. During such heat, even brief legacies need to be abandoned. In this case, the car windows will not help either, when the temperature indoors it can reach 40 degrees ”, says A. Tasiukevičiūtė.

As he points out, overheating can even lead to the death of a pet – when overheated, the death rate is as high as 50 percent. Therefore, if you notice a change in the behavior of a quadruped: loss of energy, slowness, strong jumping of the dog, etc., try to cool the pet with water as soon as possible and take it to the nearest veterinary clinic. By the way, A. Tasiukevičiūtė, speaking of heat, recalls that, like humans, our beloved quadrupeds especially need water. So do not forget to take care of it not only at home, but also while traveling or even traveling.

Tricolor cat

Tricolor cat

Protect yourself from overeating during picnics. Another common problem during the summer season is overeating pets.

“Pets also overeat during host picnics. Find a wide variety of foods around their bones and not just the waste they eat. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for owners themselves or their family members to want to pamper a four-legged meat. roasted over a campfire, with another treat or its leftovers. Meanwhile, such delays have a painful effect on the health of the pet, “says the expert. As she says, the most common consequence of overeating is diarrhea of ​​the pets. In this case, one of these products is needed: a paste or tablet, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy Talk to your pharmacist or veterinarian about which remedy is best for your pet, depending on your pet’s ailments.

After-bath care. During the summer, pets do not resist the opportunity to bathe in a body of water and cool off. But keep in mind that after them they need exceptional care. As A. Tasiukevičiūtė points out, the most common consequence of bathing is ear infections that affect pets. Therefore, after bathing, clean your ears thoroughly with suitable hygiene products. Also, after bathing, skin problems (dermatitis) are often found. To avoid this, be sure to bathe your pet with special skin care shampoos when you return from the bath.

Remember to take care of parasites and mosquitoes. Although parasite surveillance should be applied throughout the year, A. Tasiukevičiūtė recalls that in the summer period it is even more important due to the increase in the tick problem at this time of year. That is why it is necessary to take care of the protection against these parasites. The vet realizes that more and more owners are choosing a new generation of antiparasitic drugs for their pets: pills. This is due to its comfortable use, which is especially important when preparing for a vacation, when you no longer want to worry about the protective equipment of the pet during the trip. “This is probably the most innovative and effective way to protect your pet from parasites and the owner from additional concerns. It is easier to give the dog a pill once a month and worries about parasites are over,” says A. Tasiukevičiūtė and at the same time points out that when choosing antiparasitic products, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

The representative of “Kauno grūdai” also points out that mosquitoes, which are more abundant than ever this year, are a more intense problem than ticks this summer. “A pet is at increased risk for heartworm disease, a parasitic disease caused by worms that develop in the body from mosquito bites. There are two forms of heartworm disease: heart disease, which is rare but untreated, can cause death. in animals, and subcutaneous heartworm disease, which can cause serious damage to the spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs and brain “, says the veterinarian. To prevent this dangerous disease, the representative of” Kauno grūdai “calls for responsible protection against mosquitoes and their bites Always have prophylactics ready to use, which may include tablets, drops, or repellent sprays.

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