How to measure your blood pressure as accurately as possible: follow 7 tips


According to the World Health Organization, hypertension affects 1.7 billion people worldwide. In Lithuania, about 60 percent have increased blood pressure. population from 25 to 65 years. High blood pressure is a major risk factor worldwide: even one in eight deaths is caused by hypertension, according to a press release.

“It is troubling that around 50 percent. People don’t even know they are sick because they just don’t feel high blood pressure. Hypertension is called an invisible disease: it’s hard to notice, and when it’s noticed, it’s easy to forget.” says the president of the Lithuanian Society of Hypertension, prof. Marius Miglinas.

According to the professor, many know the date of the Battle of Grunwald or the phone number of a loved one, but few can name the target blood pressure number. It is worth noting that if your blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately.

When blood pressure is high, the blood vessels and the heart, kidneys, and brain are under pressure. As a result, hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, kidney failure) and also leads to other diseases.

Specialists advise that pressure can be measured at a family doctor, pharmacy or at home if you have a blood pressure monitor. For the most accurate results, follow these tips:

1. Do not smoke, drink caffeinated beverages, eat or exercise for 30 minutes before measuring your blood pressure.
2. Rest at least 5 minutes before measuring your blood pressure.
3. Sit so that your back is straight and supported (better in a chair at a table than on a sofa).
4. Place your hand on a flat surface (like a table) so that your arm is level with your heart.
5. Place your feet next to each other on the floor, do not cross them.
6. Do not speak during measurement.
7. Always measure your blood pressure in the same hand.

Although May is the month of blood pressure measurements, it is important to consider the risks of hypertension throughout the year. The most important recommendation from doctors is to measure your blood pressure regularly. The earlier you notice an increase in blood pressure, the easier it will be to treat and control it, avoiding the consequences of the disease.

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