How to get to the doctor? Quarantine will end, but current order will continue


The hand remained adamant.

Although a month has passed since treatment facilities were allowed to renew scheduled services, only half of them opened their doors to patients. Complaints from people left unaided are navigating to the Ministry of Health. The latter is already considering resorting to financial penalties for those who will continue to be legally unable to work.

However, the heads of medical institutions argue that the ministry itself has tied their hands. And probably for a long time, as coronavir circulates, doctors will continue to see some patients remotely.

For some time now, an ironic observation has been circulating in society that there is no disease left in Lithuania other than coronavirus. It is considered that the mortality curve will soon begin to rise rapidly, not because of a pandemic, but because cancer, cardiovascular disease and other serious diseases are not receiving the necessary treatment.
After the quarantine was announced in March, not only all planned surgeries and treatments were suspended, but also rehabilitation services.

In Panevėžys, the well-known television operator and photographer Egidijus Krikščiūnas will probably have to lie down on the operating table again due to the treatment he did not receive in time.
A Panevėžys resident suffered a hand injury in January. His bruise was broken, his elbow joint was broken, and his elbow was dislocated. The hand was in a cast for five weeks, after which he had to wait for a long rehabilitation. Before the announcement of the quarantine, Egidijus managed to use rehabilitation procedures for just five days.

“I have a joint contracture, I can’t bend my elbow. Specialized assistance and corrective procedures are needed. I started the rehab with great enthusiasm, because I couldn’t even put my palm on the table, but after a week my entire rehab had finished, “says E. Krikščiūnas.

How to get to the doctor? Quarantine will end, but current order will continue

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

A doctor for himself

The Panevėžys resident tried to exercise his injured hand a bit. However, this self-taught exercise is far from the same as attending procedures with rehabilitation specialists. As soon as Egidio started exercising his hand, he felt terrible pain and had to stop the procedures. Furthermore, there is always a risk that improper hand movement could have even more serious consequences.

“At home I tried to do some exercises that I found online, because it is not interesting for the doctors, it is just your business. A visit to a rehabilitator is waiting for you on June 3, it will have to start again. Three months have passed and no I think rehab helps, surgery will be needed. The joint is numb and no longer flexes. As some “gaps” walk because their muscles are swollen, I am because my arm just doesn’t flex, “Panevėžys is not without ingenuity.

As if there was not enough constant pain, a week ago E. Krikščiūnas also suffered an injury to his other hand: his finger was cut so badly that the tendon was injured. Again online, she found out that she most likely had clickable finger syndrome. This was later confirmed by a doctor who listened to his problems remotely. According to E. Krikščiūnas, if people can already make their own diagnoses online, then they may no longer need doctors.

“Such phone consultations are like smoking a candle. Now, using ‘google’, you can become a doctor yourself, which means that some doctors are only required to write references or prescriptions,” says Egidijus.

No water treatments

E. Krikščiūnas, like many Panevėžys residents in need of rehabilitation, will be able to receive these services starting this week. It is true that for at least the first two weeks, rehabilitators will be able to receive half of the patients, and some of their services will remain inaccessible. According to Rūta Pranculienė, director of the Panevėžys Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, patients have been registered with his institution since last Thursday. Doctors will begin work on Tuesday and rehabilitation procedures will resume from Wednesday.

“All of our medical personnel have been screened for coronaviruses since Saturday and will be able to return to work only after receiving a response,” said R. Pranculienė.

Previous referrals to rehabilitators are no longer valid: Patients should contact their GP again for an electronic referral for rehabilitation to be sent.

According to the director, according to current procedure and security requirements, services will be available only if there is a patient in the office, regardless of whether there are three rehabilitation sites in one room. There will also be no mud, pool, or group exercise procedures for the first two weeks.

“It is not possible to assign the entire group to one patient. But if everything continues as it is now, we hope that in a couple of weeks we can also provide these services,” says the director of the institution.

Will accept half

The Panevėžys Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation plans to receive up to 39 patients per day to date, half that before quarantine. It is not physically possible to accept more people, because the institution must take breaks in the ventilation and disinfection of the facilities, as well as organize visits in such a way that those waiting for the procedures can sit at least one meter away.

“We will be able to work up to 50 percent. Our capacity: we were able to receive around 1,300 patients per month, and now 650. Here only those patients who came to us with a medical referral, another part were those who paid for the services, but up to now, at least for the first two weeks, we will not accept “, – said R. Pranculienė.

In the center about 20 percent. The medical staff is made up of people over 60 or with chronic diseases. Still, most of them wanted to go back to work. Only a doctor at risk will continue in downtime, for which 50 percent is paid. average salary.

The quarantine procedure will remain

According to Karolis Valantinas, director of the Panevėžys City Polyclinic, medical institutions will probably never function in the same way as before the quarantine. Coronavirus infection has fundamentally changed service delivery.

“The ministry itself has established the rules on how we need to update our activities. It is strange that you caress with one hand and rub your finger with the other,” said K. Valantinas.

The Ministry of Health has indicated that medical facilities now cannot provide more than 50 percent. services. The ambulatory doctor was able to receive two dozen patients a day, and now no more than ten. So far, a maximum of six are accepted.

Now, by calling the polyclinic reception, you can only register for a remote health service; A time is set when you can call a family doctor. After listening to the patient’s complaints, the doctor decides if a person needs an exam.

“Filters have been put in place to keep as few patients as possible in the clinic. The biggest problem and people’s dissatisfaction stems from the fact that everyone wants to be physically examined by a doctor. Many people are used to this procedure, but to control the virus, it is necessary for patients to visit medical institutions as little as possible, because they are a source of greater risk, “said K. Valantinas.

According to him, doctors used to receive 20 patients a day, but in reality, three or forty dozen also came. Therefore, sometimes the doctors did not even have time to go to the bathroom, they worked under constant stress. Now that he’s gone.

“The quarantine will end some day, but I think the current order will continue. About 20-30 percent. The patients were the ones who came” just to ask. “Now the patients will be admitted only by pre-registration and it will be necessary to arrive before ten. minutes before the visit, otherwise, whether it is snow or snow, you will have to wait outside, “emphasized the director of the polyclinic.
