How the coronavirus hit Lithuania: since March – 201 focus, in isolation – more than 30 thousand people


Since the beginning of the pandemic, 5,366 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Lithuania.

According to data from October 6, the number of low-risk people monitored is 27,670. 3,730 high-risk people are also monitored.

D.Razmuvienė emphasized that the chimneys are being investigated, we are trying to do it as soon as possible.

At a remote national public health conference “Lithuania and COVID-19: Experiences, lessons and perspectives” organized by the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences on Wednesday, a specialist from NVSC spoke about epidemiological investigation of cases and outbreaks.

First, a case survey is carried out according to a questionnaire, the contact persons in the immediate environment are identified, the workplace where the case is registered, a focus is identified, the contact persons are identified, circumstances are clarified, Call each contact person, provide initial information, give instructions, interpret links to other cases.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

“Each case requires 30 to 40 minutes. It also happens that this information is not always provided once, you have to talk to him (in person – past ed.). Three or four times on the phone. And also more than one is spoken sometimes with people in isolation. Once again, sometimes there is a lack of goodwill on the part of those people to answer questions, to answer correctly so that we can unite that chain, “said D. Razmuvienė.

Sometimes those people lack the willingness to answer questions, to answer correctly so that we link that chain.

Capacity – limited

Speaking about the challenges of managing COVID-19, D.Razmuvienė mentioned the unpredictable growth in the number of cases, the constant changes and frequently renewed requirements, the lack of human resources.

He pointed out that the insufficient number of specialists reduces the quality of the epidemiological diagnosis of cases.

For example, the Vilnius Department of the NVSC is able to qualitatively investigate a maximum of 50 cases per day.

Valdemaras Šukštas / 15min photo / National Center for Public Health (NVSC)

Valdemaras Šukštas / 15min photo / National Center for Public Health (NVSC)

What do epidemiologists work for?

D.Razmuvienė highlighted the main areas of COVID-19 management.

These include: monitoring and evaluation of the epidemiological situation, preparation and provision of information to the public, preparation and issuance of permits to leave isolation, shortening of isolation, supervision of preventive measures, advice, better medical-quarantine control, contact information, epidemiological investigation of cases and outbreaks. , monitoring of exposed persons.

Julius Kalinskas / 15min photo / COVID-19 checkpoint in Vilnius

Julius Kalinskas / 15min photo / COVID-19 checkpoint in Vilnius

According to D.Razmuvienė, NVSC has around 600 employees. In March, 7.5 thousand worked and in April, 12.8 thousand. extraordinary hours.

He said that during the coronavirus pandemic, several working groups were formed at the NVSC to perform new functions.

For example, a team preparing and issuing permits to leave a place of isolation, which employs 35 professionals, receives around 800 requests to leave a place of self-isolation per day.

The group for the preparation and issuance of permits to leave a place of isolation receives around 800 requests to leave a place of self-isolation per day.

The group has 30 specialists for the initial information and registration of high-risk people and has a reserve of 30 specialists. nuotr./Koronavirusas nuotr./Koronavirusas

“Consultations are taking place. Currently, an employee can actually give and give around 60 telephone consultations. Again, a separate group of people has been appointed to provide advice, 16 people at a time and three people work on weekends to answer. to calls. On average, 1,500 calls are received per day. E-mail responds to 200 to 300 inquiries, which again vary widely. Some people simply want not so much specific help as psychological help: catch up, talk, “said the NVSC epidemiologist.

D.Razmuvienė said that NVSC specialists are constantly on duty at airports and seaports: Vilnius, Kaunas, Palanga and Klaipeda.

Lukas Balandis / Photo from 15min / A plane from Vilnius landed in Palanga

Lukas Balandis / Photo 15min / A plane landed in Vilnius in Palanga

“Now our specialists are no longer awake at the land border posts, but the guard service at the airports started in January. And it really gave really great things, I would say, positive, because all the people who came were already evaluating their health : It is a thermal imaging camera, it is a temperature measurement with a tactical thermometer, not just a thermal imaging camera if there are any questions. He continued his interview, registration and, of course, his counseling, “said the epidemiologist.

According to D. Razmuvienė, there were many cases where sick people were “captured” at airports.

According to her, NVSC is currently assisted by 82 volunteers, who try to add new ones every day.

From April to July, the NVSC assisted 220 volunteers.

Volunteers contact people in isolation, inform them and give them recommendations.

D.Razmuvienė also said that NVSC employees are confident that we will overcome the coronavirus and we will be able to talk about the fact that Lithuania is among the best countries to handle this difficult situation.
